2 0 0 7
2 0 0 5
Mother Sea

There's a curiousity about things done by people for reasons other than getting money for them or getting attention drawn to them, often both the same. Art comes to mind if focused on the create for the heck of it aspect. There's something spooky about falling for the messages that reached you because someone was paid to recommend rather than clearly delineate what the advantages are. Immunizers come to mind. You just know you want to be elsewhere from the place where the big one hits. So while we're thinking when and where, others are making high concentrates of appreciation in music and design, sometimes on film, sometimes just audio but sometimes from the heights of today when we look back at the twisted parts for contrast to a centered today. It makes for appreciation of comebacks from the lookbacks. Being there for the rubdown after her mega-brazilianth Brilliance for a paycheck. . . . .(just how much is a brazilian? ~~W Bush). Finding love after the eternal search is a revival of the optimum kind. It is the warm center we always comeback to instead of those former horrid nightmares starring yourself. I've just moved from focus on my chakras to increase/maintain arterial flow, something she performs like 'Zaide on the critical flow to Sunny. //sung to When Sunny Gets Plump.


August 9, 2006

Fifty five year old amalgams in the era of Roll Out the Amalgams have other meanings. One being - they were there when life was now instead of former. But that goes for any memormcbealia. I think the key is family is the guard rail on the Lifetime Train. You want to be able to do family without pretending too much. I'm indebted for not getting even a tinge of Leave No Leave. Some of us are horses d' oeuvres in so many ways even tho' some of us have it just right in our station of life, but relevant for anyone else? Love REALLY is the cure-all but many sing Love Stinks, so taking my words for anything other than that's what's inside of me is like losing it because of the blogosphere. Believing in someone elses beliefs are risky only if you are still looking for your first revelation. Then you know what to look for. Me? I'm Still getting answers from the Great Spirit and the CC, but all the love comes from her.

August 8, 2006

To Do lists when completed with a little tenderness are transformed into the day part of fun for the day. So is tenderness the magic dust for making it funny? Some things need to be approached physically hulked up but the tenderness could come from the way it's framed in spite of the colonizing (scrunching your colon) required. Maybe that's where tight ass comes from. Tenderness beats tight ass. Staying in that mindset that happens when affection comes pouring from her is really a help going thru the ToDo list. It's the discrimination aspect that keeps this from producing an attention whore. Affection is only meaningful when it comes from her, unless family happens by. Any others need not apply. Her affection fixes the things that hurt.

August 4,2006

Monogamy pays out when you know she had exclusive access from their union in Dreamland forward; no divergence means What Happens Here..... Odds on any non-exclusive fantasy from her end is 'no chance'. The results show nothing can happen that we can't contain Here and use it to make something better. Lets you focus on the love you long time part. That's not to say that in order for love to headline, you need a clear deck. If everything that preceded it failed, it wasn't love. Party hearty but row away from the rocks, thanks Hunter. My mom's very close veins came from fetal overload, none of us has it. But the strange things from witnessing miracles first hand are revealing much of the same imagination mommy dearest passed on to us. It's like a culture tic you want to preserve before passing (not us, we're living forever, so far so good).

August 2, 2006

What is it about live and let live that's so hard to put in as the norm? It usually goes back to the and let live part. Mad Max says all the wars are cause by a religion he doesn't like. Are the exploitations so endemic by the hated that nothing works? How about loving what you do so much that the hinnyhole next door could still be execrable and you still can say So What? I get gelatinous when guys park on my stones but then So What?. Live and let live - too much big stuff around than to waste the day on the flyshit in the pepper.

July 31, 2006

The effects of psychotropic chemicals, in a way, emulate the DNA- fooling alterations of evolution. Whatever blocks the reward axons in the pleasure centers does what the brain does over time to neuter addiction. That said, some pleasure was flowing freely last time when we checked-in:

Magic Carpet Ride

This is my story, this is my song..... these comfort inducing words warbled from the ear buds; synchronistically, the sunlight made a faint glow on the glass wall, just as Dave sensed Connie was about to open one eye and try to detect the smell of coffee. The last adventure in the Red Mountain Resort played into the day's plans. The breakfast invitation and the thought of strolling the aisles of El Grande Box, well, just had a promising tone to it. Riding the familiar weekend route to the freeway, Dave diverted to an outdoor spot by the door near the entertainment center. He was feeling a bit like a guy in a poker game that doesn't know his What Beats?. But he found the kiosks by the help desk and logged in as Connie partnered in the steps in the process. As a reminder, both Connie and Dave specialize in boudoirates (pilates in bed) , not so much in the comp-gathering-smoothly steps. Kinda like knowing what you're doing and taking the card with you. So they turned the corner and sat down in an empty room since only the true decadent would get seated where Jacques Bonnet was flowing at 7 o'clock in the effen morning. Bubbly and strawberries, breakfast of winners. The magic part came right after the last sip. EGB wasn't opening until 9:30, so some machine fun seemed to be the answer. The trick is to pass on more free bubbly when the gal walks by. There's a cetrain joy in finding the game with the right special, you know, where the donkey saunters around the track. The howling coyote on the top of the screen literally grabbed Dave by the arm and sat him in front. Next thing Dave sees is a screen full of howling coyotes and the music and ching-gong-boing was fitting accompaniment for an appreciated payout. The magic part was Connie doing the same dance for the same reason. OK, maybe magic is too strong to use here, especially when two lovers like Dave and Connie really do experience phenomena that rattle their spurs. But for just getting this here, Dave definitely tho't it was magic. This is why people go out of their way to take in these rituals. Decadence can be fun when safe and secure is thoughtfully at the core....it's just havin' fun kinda decadence.

July 28, 2006

Sustain used to mean something musical where you hold the note. One of the footpedals, switch or manual, prolongs the duration of the hold. That's more the current meaning of sustain: hold back a little longer. Global is endure by food/fuel in = daily energy requirement. The love model relies on the global, where worst case is no love output, and is the farthest point from current status of ALL output = love. So, not even remotely close, it lets you move to the hoed me love fest. It would be impossible to miss if it ever suggested irrelevance. Sustain is truly forestall the decline. Fruit cocktail is yum, so's the fiber. Too bad the bike guy blurted out Mentosterones. Gotta keep the blood flow unsaddled to the tender spot but not juiced with octane boosters. The power of hoed. Long, soft kisses, tissue familiarization/rejuvenation.

July 27, 2006

When you get bombed, everybody gets bombed a little - just a glimpse. How many of us are in a place we already picked to finish up Earth time? That's not to relinquish a second of time here, because is that all there is? has no traction in this epithelium-wrapped paradise. This is all right, as in ALL right, but the undaunted are getting extinguished and vanquished right on Highway Ex here. Remember? When the big one comes, be somewhere far away from where it hits. Just a guessing game on where it might hit. But you never kid yourself that someone like us may have to get outta Dodge. Unless that happens, when you're in the place you picked, try to increase your capacity to take in all the endorphin moments that surround us. Can't get enough of your love because I get ALLof your love. My journal includes the section where I started this new place called resignation from adulthood . It began on the evening before my last day and I woke up and hit the highway at 2:30am. It crescendoed walking into her arms in the place where I've never looked back (metaphorically). She gets a 20 minute drive instead of a cross-country excursion and she knows the arms she's walking into, they hoed her with only the freshest passion exuding from the one who worships her fervently. The day without the commerce, without the induced stress and serial distractions, is a day of rejoinder for some or all the unanswered ones, a day that says something about the way its supposed to be.

July 26, 2006

Damaged goods. The CC concern for the repair of the damage helps our own fight to synthesize our dead spots. Facilitate the repair. Remaining whole requires we do something about the dead spots - I like to enliven them. There's no match for her caretaking but serious CT is miles ahead and we're still in love making territory. Workin' with the numbers and maxin' the restorative qualities from the Great Spirit. Time to take matters, yes- each one is a matter, into our own hands. Blessed of incredible beauty, she pines for curvaceous perimeters that she already has, but nagging at the womanly girl in her. Her twists are making more sence to her and I get to be there for the releases. She's leaving the last of the junk in the trunk at that other place. She tried to tell me way back that it isn't always pretty but A L L the parts are pretty when she's part of it. Now she's warning that I may be overwhelmed by 100% of her (not just whelmed, but OVER) - I'm ready to take my chances. So far so good.

July 24, 2006.


Connie and Dave {pause here for applause} really were ready for an all zone weekend. Connie was on a high from resuming her meetings in Kleven with her Mr. Pilates. Dave was looking something like Sweet Pea with Popeye's hand, thanks to a NON-WASP-friendly wasp ..... the fucker showcased my Dave's crappy resistance to stinger poop, making him as desirable as a drunken Jeff Gordon wannabe on Rainbow. However, Connie's game plan circumvented any distractions so Dave got to thinking: One of the things about being with the person who you respect so much that only her opinion counts IS {get this}: That makes you accept the things you understand about all other opinions just to see how they line up against Connie's, unafraid they might be more powerful than hers. The lesson learned about making everyday Christmas is simply, wrapped gifts can't own up to gifts of love, receiving and giving. That means all voluntary choices go to her. She makes remarkably good choices when she gets to really think about them. Connie's best choices come when it affects our home. Right sized, right side up, closure on the note just ahead {formerly exclaimed as up tight and outtasight!}. Eliminating the OWE won't generate O's, but those gifts of love write the songs of Pav. But then there's the dreams of the oxytocin induced anxiety minimizers - these babies are toned down to the level where you can actually be content that they didn't bubble over into nightmares. Like that one from Marco Island tennis where the wife of the surgeon from Chicago gets quivering flaps when we trounce her nemeses in "friendly" tennis. Her granny-like presence is antithetical to Dave's actual destiny of ending up with a lover projecting classic beauty, a nurturer beyond Mom's capacity and, maybe the best yet - more twisted than Mr. P's pretzel. I really LOVE imagining Connie's capacity when she's getting oncoming kisses instead of corporate uppercuts. MORAL: How come we were shared skitless about being bombed by the Commies in the 50s and 60s but as long as it's "over There" it's just TV content? Nighttime BBC is like WWII's radio link to what's next? Connie's interest is catartic.

July 21, 2006

I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it. ~~Jonathan Winters

Being respectable. Respectable to what? Respect is taught when we're kids and then you realize you must sustain that so that you can find her, the one who makes you go all out, learning just how much respect we are capable of accommodating. But mentioning her to almost anyone else, because she experiences ALL of my respect, gets the nod of getting it but actually the other person in my conversation only knows a fraction of how much I respect her. It's like talking religion or politics to someone with different beliefs - the passionate one often influences the undecideds. But when you essentially are talking to yourself when you're conversing together, you get to feel the respect swelling inside of you. You don't always lose the reminders of the rough spots we experienced on the way to making here, where being together always ends up holding hands. Right now we're bringing in an Add, so we need to get yingyanged on the 4 or 5 good items of knowledge about the replacement for my Last Fear Factor - 23 feet up on aluminum ladder two feet from the pool, cutting with a 120 volt saw duct taped to an aluminum pole for extended reach. WHOA! Weekends are just right for Yellow Pages and sweaty sheets.

July 20, 2006

Wisdom is supreme; therefore make a full effort to get wisdom. Esteem her and she will exalt you; embrace her and she will honor you. -~~Proverbs 4: 7-8

Strong association makes the link for some people, the ones that want to know what they're signing up for BEFORE they commit. Spiritual sellers and office sellers depend on being associated with success in case you want to buy in. So, knowing what you're buying there, can help with how much you devote to what. What price love? Just what exactly are you buying? You can get the lifetime one that never goes out of fashion for the passion. We want to live forever, so far so good. The way you can tell is by what happens when we're together. High school quality Funny Ha Ha ends with two composites of 60s angst combined with '06 dweebism, where they're trashing frisbee guys and parodying the lesson that just playing with each other is being enough. Well, enough sometimes isn't sufficient hommage (tithing and pay for access for the sellers..) for extracting from love ALL the stuff that's meaningful to you. But the message is good for leading the direction towards this jackpot of a lifetime. If you are enjoying just playing with each other, after spectacular splendor that dwarfs tube time, then you're in the right church. Time off is really time IN, if you're doing it right. Now, picture all time off ALL the time. The best part of wisdom is the part that began with her.

July 19, 2006

When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep well?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.~~Steven Wright

Answers to the questions about love never vary. Yes, Yes to all the ones about intimacy, affection, nurturing, passion, efficiency, deliverables, colaborating, enlightening, entertaining, doing familial, and everything one-on-one with her. My itch is not the seven year kind, hardly, it is best described as the introduction to the era that we've anticipated for many moons. It first appeared in the first apartment - the one with one bedroom that was furnished with boudoir lifestyle in mind. Those mornings watching her suit up for the showtime that took her from my embrace, like the dog feeding trips in our Rio interlude that she calls honeymoon, mornings of solitude, mornings of leisure, foreplay for pleasure. The ride from the office to the sheets was minutes and nooners were the norm. So the answers vary not at all, even if the standards got morphed. Getting make-over action into a reality will be a testament to doing it right this time with no vituperations nor regrets using methods that work. Imagining the excitement of swimming in the shade and showering in a taj mahal is full of pleasure. Picking winners? She bangs....

July 17, 2006

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; ~~1 John 4:18

Top down, summer in the city - was there ever a time I boasted how "great" it is to hit forehands as the morning temp's vertex propels towards 100? The freakin' a.c. has replaced midnight interludes, then sore bones ibu sleep at the turn of the century in the hot summer nights. That in itself is a product of safe/healthy priorities and part of how lovin' evolved to intimacy and affection in synchronicity with the realities of the 0s, as in '06. Hoping passionately that the blahs goin' on is heat related and not public exposure or cold air in the night. Pretty fortunate, we are, that only that is all on the needs fixin' medical list. Break out the baby lotion, baby

July 14, 2006

War is heck
Too many damaged brains using violence against kids
Not enough understanding of Love One Another
So glad I found love before I die

I've said too much. I haven't said enough. The more I stay away from here, the stronger the urge to just keep probing and capturing, regardless of the poignance. Yesterday's flick, Waterland, threw my thoughts to the worst outcome of unstoppable, recurring, disturbing dreams - especially when equally unstoppable analysis of them suggests madness of some sort. Too much free time again? Having it too good lets but what if?s creep in? Maybe it's nothing less than wanting to turn down the volume if it's the noise level that's causing the headache. Getting to Dreamland is just too gratifying to mar with train rides that are in the wrong direction, work assignments that go unfinished and other encounters with former life acquaintances. Today will feature underwater visuals and the kickoff to a kickass weekend. Woo-hoo~

July 13, 2006

Who will believe my verse in time to come,
If it were fill'd with your most high deserts?
Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tomb
Which hides your life and shows not half your parts.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say 'This poet lies:
Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces.'
~~William Shakespeare

Today's synesthesia (where one stimulus always produces a specific perception) comes thanks to hearing Clint play Doe Eyes live on the radio this morning. He named it after his heartthrob at the time who is now his wife and is blessed with doe eyes, as he is blessed to be able to render that. The release that accompanied it is an emotional surge that scintilates like the gleam in her doe eyes. The promise of a lifetime of romance blooms only when romantic love best describes the aura around the soul. The joy of being two as one 24/7, Heaven in 2007, is putting in place the known qualities that blend us, plus the bonus of all the other possibilities - the good ones. Neither of us could last long if either made the other wish for the way it is now. My one wish is to be post-graduation NOW! Yours, too. I never tire of doing what it takes to make sure you are comfortable, maybe even enabling you to disengage a little from the home warming activities that you associate with being a woman but I will do so much more to complement your design and decorate passion when we're 2 as 1 24/7. Initiation is only one of a handful of signals that affection is heading for the good stuff. I like to let you make the choices of what makes you comfortable to improve the chances the outcomes will counter the worry caused by stress. The reason I never extensively worry about you dealing with corporate uppercuts is the way you handle them - proficiently and effectively. I want this homestead to be where required dancing up on ten toes is unnecessary. I know I'm going to reach higher actualization because it's a huge wish come true. You feel as strongly that you will, too. We'll use the transition time to luxuriate in all zone time all the time. Any attitude shortcoming I may have had is long gone right now, so it's all chocolate in promise. You joked about giving me something to write about like I 'd make this about attitude. So here's a take on that: it's not the need in needy that sits wrongly, it's the associated indignation - not big on indignation caused by me. It's too easy to shutdown the zone using indignation. Whether it's plain ol' worry or fear of impending non-zone time based on early needy warnings, picking the right fear is not enough. The only thing that's important is getting back into the zone. Join me there tonite.

July 11, 2006

Oh it's so funny to be seeing you after so long, girl.
And with the way you look I understand
that you were not impressed.
But I heard you let that little friend of mine
take off your party dress.
I'm not going to get too sentimental
like those other sticky valentines,
'cause I don't know if you are loving somebody.
I only know it isn't mine.
~~Elvis Costello, Alison

Slow inspiration day but maybe the tribute means closure on another June in my dreams of late. Bill Clinton was featured last night - a work group roundtable led by the Tootman of Monica's Harmonica fame. Any wonder that the dream pattern featuring yesterday almost exclusively would have an opening for June to creep in? Aw, summer's flying by (YEA!) but when autumn's bite makes the outdoors delight, I'll read this and go WTF?

July 10, 2006

One life - a little gleam of Time between two Eternities. - - - Thomas Carlyle

No matter how good the group is, you need to handle bringing in adds or replacements. The imperative begins with knowing what you need to know about them, (some point out that you need to know everything about them). Everything takes significant work, so you may operate on the knowledge of 4 or 5 GOOD (as in essential) things about the subject which lets you make informed if not flawless decisions. The big exception here is the one you know entirely - the one you can get so close to you get to know everything. You never stop wanting to know more about her and that's what makes the others occupy the 4 or 5 GOOD things catagory. It may also help explain the difference between ____________ (fill-in your favorite two unlikes here - I picked Innies and Outies):

Actualization vs. Net Worth . . . Innies want to control who gets to know what; outies have learned the benefit of learning is you get to know everything you can about what's goin' on and take serious only that which is important to you. Innies want to gain advantage by insider trading that you don't know about.

Ask Why First vs. Just Give It a Try . . . There have always been miscreants since Fred Flintstone, which Innies exploit by reminding us that the dumb ones will ruin it for all of us if they get their way. Once an experience is known, it's fodder for the stupid who limit understanding to jingoistic jingles...... everybody knows that. Outies, who know about an abundance of shit, use their learning skills to ask if something fits their universe first, then proceeds to the Internets, unbundling the good stuff, knowing that the crap - the non-virtue stuff that obsesses Innies, can be avoided as we follow the truth.

Avoid vs. Eliminate . . . Innies need things that make them uncomfortable eliminated; outies have learned how to avoid the crap unless it's burning on your doorstep. The moral: The best things in life aren't things.

July 9, 2006

The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in~~Anon

Standing on the stairwell, looking ahead towards parity where the echo is now fading, I answer her with staccato affirmations, pausing only to reset the boys. Tomorrow only means another roll around the sun but this moment is reserved for driving heavy machinery. Our aptitude stopped being measured long ago, substituted by the ritual of finding Simmons' midpoint and getting pastoral, allowing the mayhem to creep in at its own pace and time. No more clicks will be needed to focus the overlay called Mano a Chickie when the fade out and catatonia remind us we roll to the rhythm of sequestered youth. Tango a la Second Chance. More synesthesia than a blind dyslexic on psilocybin.

July 8, 2006

As a sloop with a swoop of immaculate wing on her delicate spine
And a keel as steel as a root that holds in the sea as she leans,
Leaning and laughing, my warm-hearted beauty, you ride, you ride,
You tack on the curves with parabola speed and a kiss of goodbye,
Like a thoroughbred sloop, my new high-spirited spirit, my kiss.
~~Karl Shapiro

What kind of man plays in the sandbox while his one and only ducks uppercuts thrown at her head in the corporate boxing ring? Not sure about others, but this guy who still battles nightmares endlessly looped, sees placid pillows ahead on the converging horizon, filing the question under For Another Day. Day dreams, even when your dreams were actualized, become real in time and time has come today. What words will appear here then, if any, may be determined by a need that may go away when we're in each other's arms as the days unfold. But it feels so right to write them.

July 6, 2006

Call on God, but row away from the rocks~~Hunter S. Thompson

Too many moves make home where the heart is a stronger want than imagining take a chance and buying that new place. But just 6 homes in a lifetime can't possibly be too many, so it must be roots of a different depth. Most of my days and nights full of the most meaning, happened right here. True pleasure in little things provides the sustaining truth to the sentiments of gratitude, a pleasure too elusive in former life. Maybe it's as simple as waking up with your self in her form next to you and deciding the days deliverables instead of having them thrust at you that fuels the never-ending appreciation. Would starting over again under a different roof add risk to all of this? Probably not, just a prolonged suck it up, make-it-happen gut check that pales when compared to what it took to get here. Ya never know...

July 5, 2006

If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less but to dream more, to dream all the time ~~Marcel Proust

Are you experienced? A terrific quality that longevity can bring affords a Y E S answer to that one sentence challenge that Jimi served at us. It's what you bring back with you on your excursions that shapes your versatility and together we brought back alot. Making safe a must requirement is as nurturing as is adding to your experience. Vacations in the past too often dictated "I need a vacation to recover from my vacation." Some of those memories are now forgotten, replaced by days where vacations are everydays, making love in every way, centered on the truth. Not an impossible accomplishment when her presence is so much better than the anticipation, but only possible here because the centering point is a single soul. Her astonishment at missing Brett Butler matched mine for missing Robert Blake. There are some things to find this day but watching her use her knack for organization makes that a non-issue. Her releases are more essential than mine, since mine come from experiencing hers with her and not always vice-versa. Her choice of the homestead as her canvas guarantees a cornucopia of focal points for her creativity to release. I'm releasing now and it's not a body fluid thing, more of a mindstream with product placement. It aligns with being in the presence of your real hero, recreating with your idol. Even the public ventures are becoming a satire on STFU. I found out why she stared at ceilings in former life. Consumation enthralls. Oh give me a home where experience reigns..This candle burns forever.

June 28, 2006

In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe. ~~Carl Sagan

First things first. Ya gotta be in the game if you want to win. Soul sharing makes any distress clearly received during periods when either or both are struggling. Today's reminder that I defended the other side (I didn't come at it from that angle) also reminded me that I'm struggling a little with one of the effects of serenity - woodless mornings and residue from smoking Sedona (thanks, CC for thera-flu results). Her words of encouragement dissolve much of my WhatIfs? about Johnsonian anxiety but that doesn't compensate fully for the non-responsive noodle during moments when sparks are called for. It's just that it's so important to both of us, I don't want to be the anchor when the pilot's chair has my name on it. These are too many words for a one week recap but it wasn't the first time so, I ramble. The certainty of living forever together (so far, so good) boldly frames all experiences with her as deception-free. So maybe it's just a time to enjoy the lemonade before the nod.

June 23, 2006

The Getaway

Turning the corner from the exit ramp, Connie knew this was no let's grab a burger at Venuto's jaunt down the bypass. Dave has that smirk-like smile like when he's ready to do naughty and besides, Venuto's stopped being the burger-go-to place long ago. As they headed east, Connie saw the imposing tower of the new Red Mountain Resort cutting into the horizon and for a moment, she paused waiting for Dave to say something. His flip of the turn signal made her blurt out, "Are you taking me to Red Mountain?" and Dave nodded yes. The long driveway took them to the area looking more like the auto mall than a resort. Connie ran through her memory of the restaurants inside this new jewel of a destination and asked Dave if he was still thinking burger. At this point, Dave flipped open the trunk lid and pulled out the memory-evoking green duffel bag and Connie asked, "Are we spending the night?" Again, Dave just nodded yes. The walk to the entrance dragging the green monster on its tiny wheels brought back some unforgettable rendezvous memories when getting outta Dodge weekends were the vogue. Connie grinned picturing Dave dragging the bag loaded full of Cook's Asti to moderate the short breaks in between the non-stop passion that always trademarked these trysts. Neither were prepared for what happen as they emerged from the gigantic revolving door at the entrance. Instead of a lobby, the crackle of leaves under their feet clued them that they were walking on earth, as in dirt earth. They looked back and the entrance was gone and the startled look on their faces roared out WTF? They were walking in the woods behind the house where Dave grew up. Connie broke the silence by pleading, "Dave, where are we?" Dave answered, "Wanna watch me pee?" Dave's face was still the same as when they woke up that morning but his body was like a kindergartener and Connie has become a little girl. "Dave, this isn't funny," Connie blurted. "C'mon - let's walk up this path," Dave offered. As they reached the crest and broke through the brush with their arms, they entered a class room and sat down on the first row putting their books on the arm on the right. A guy walked in with a briefcase and said, "I'm Dave Powell, is everyone here for English Comp?" Connie whispered to Dave, "I'm scared, where are we? can't we go back to the Red Mountain?" Dave shushed her and waited for the break to grab her hand and walk out the door. This time they entered a dingy, smoke filled bar aptly named Smoky Joe's where students mingled to get a little juiced. Dave looked at Connie and said, "This is my surprise, babe, I made it possible for you to go back and be in my life before I became a man so you could see with your eyes what impressions are still left in my psyche that come out to entertain you, baffle you sometimes and even piss you off." Connie said, "Dave, listen to me - this may have been a good idea in your mind but right now all I want to do is get back to where we live and maybe this fear in my belly will subside." Dave again took Connie's hand and guided her up this dank, smelly staircase where, at the top, a familiar flamingo greeted them and they at once were on the dance floor twirling and holding on to each other like there was no tomorrow. The sound of the toaster awakened Connie and after blinking her eyes, she realized she just had the kind of dream that retells beautifully while sipping that hot morning coffee

June 21, 2006

Oh for a lodge in some vast wilderness,
Some boundless contiguity of shade,
Where rumour of oppression and deceit,
Of unsuccessful or successful war,
Might never reach me more.
~~William Cowper

The thing about remembering significant moments in sequential detail is ultimately using it to always take you to today to assess it in today's values. Surviving some really close calls in cars, enduring through too many episodes of aberrant behaviour and ____________(insert negative here), makes me want to exhale out the crap and sign over to the conclusion that I had this mission ahead of me requiring me to be alive and healthy to experience the entire enlistment. Divine providence, cosmosis, geez, just plain fate and destiny are the terms that can be linked to why I'm here to luxuriate in this splendor. It also affirms our sonorous approach to living the simple life of love, love eternally rushing through our living tissue, asking only to take the time to feel it together no matter where we are. Just so happens that the venue is paradisical in spite of the paradoxical public acting as extras. It stimulates in all the right places reminding yourself that what you're doing is inspired by God and both of us are sure of that. For the first time in my lifetime, I'm certain that even I, Mr. Misstep, am not fewking this one up.

June 19, 2006

What do I want to take home from my summer vacation? Time. The wonderful luxury of being at rest. The days when you shut down the mental machinery that keeps life on track and let life simply wander. The days when you stop planning, analyzing, thinking and just are. Summer is my period of grace ~~Ellen Goodman

Fixing Connie's Wagon

Passing roadside signs without reading them aloud just might be the bare minimum. But even if not, getting two minds to get congruent like the two hearts that run them can be worse than pruning fronds with a reciprocal saw on a pole. But today anything would make Connie's repellent mind even more repellent. She is still seething about being asked by Dave if her aversion to putting her mouth around his dick was her way of announcing she's bringing a friend with benefits into the picture with internationally proven bone smoking prowess. It wasn't the question that has her so pissed because she knows he's not serious, just needling her about a subject that's already been passed up. What he has done in past conversations is portray one fantasy where he reaches at the upper shelf above her head by leaning across her sleeping face with his dong dangling a hair's width distance from her face and she tries to sneak a taste without him realizing it. Coupled with another remark he made about the surest way to boink ready status is the old brush-across-the-lips trick, it just didn't sit right with her. Connie has even recently deferred talking about that subject, certain she'd suffer affection aversion if she told him what her reservation really was. He's overly sensitive about being read the germ war riot act and even told her way back if he ever felt too dirty to get intimate it might be the end of his sexlife for good. Or at least until he stopped feeling that way. So let's jump ahead to the bedroom scene and find Connie and Dave watching Lucky Louie on HBO, laughing uncontrollably at Louie trying bring his wife to orgasm. When the show was over, Connie said to Dave,"what was the deal with Louie going sideways?" and Dave replied, "he was trying to hit her g-spot with his dick inside her." "Huh?" "yeah, the nerves connected to the clit go far inside behind the roof of the 'gina, and finding where they're the most sensitive and stimulating the spot right there is a treasured move." "Swear?" "Swear!" Tweny minutes later, Connie was echoing those "Oh YEAH!" diaphragmatic squeals that only happen when the spot is hit. Guess her bout with the surface idignation is a thing of the past. Dave reads these words and just when he's about to delete them, a voice says, "wait - Save them since they came to be using the same guidelines as all previous entries. Deletion is an act of cover-up - you have something to cover-up, Dave? "Who said that? the CC? No - nothing to hide - just trying to be sensible." She's more understanding than you give her credit for, Dave OK, they're a keeper.

June 16, 2006

A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn't like the tune.


The words "you're a big girl/boy now, rise to the occasion..." have direct meaning when they're applied to the brood at home. Having been a chronic, line hugging disobeyer from adolescence forward, I bemoan the notion I've become Dad's Oldsmobile. In retrospect, those SOS mayday distress fireworks from the mother v. daughter smackdowns may have guaranteed near terminal agita, but my admiration was real when she stood up to her other parent, a sign to me that she was developing a personality ripe with leadership potential. That was something I lacked then and fortunately am spared from now exhibiting, sharing life with a natural born take charge woman. Being light in the cajones department as a yoot afforded me endless adventures ending in my resignation. I quit the Bulletin as a paper boy, I quit the community league pre-teen football team because I hated getting tackled and despised blocking. But it allowed me to reach that conclusion early enough in life so that I never considered going out for high school sports, preferring instead choose-up screw around games with guys on grass fields requiring no equipment. My method of finding vicarious substitutes coagulated within me even then. One thing that endured was my unsatisfied appetite for hands-on with girls, then women. I didn't quite fit the profile of muscular with an imposing dick, but I stayed with it and never quit 'til I found her and shed the scaly lizard skin. It was like I was playing the sport with no real athletic prowess and breaking that addiction has more than satisfied the Been Done profile that simplifies our lives in the MMs. I found out finally that the absence of the basic womanizer trait of seeing females only as the collective of body parts ended forever the ensuing calamitous consequences, and that, my dears, is unfalsifiable. Loving one woman exclusively leaves no room nor interest in what-ifing. Get ready for another back attack, darling.

June 12, 2006

Nigel: You know, just simple lines intertwining, you know, very much like - I'm really influenced by Mozart and Bach, and it's sort of in between those, really. It's like a Mach piece, really. It's sort of - Marty: What do you call this? Nigel: Well, this piece is called "Lick My Love Pump."~~Spinal Tap

Resounding feelings of appreciation to the CC for so many days of pampered expression linked to acts of adoration. A courteous glance at the outtakes lets exclamations of in the moment chuckles finesse another encounter with her, resulting in zone all the time and zero seconds lost to futility.

She's The World to Me

Will and Sid were walking down Main Street, having celebrated and flirted with revellers of daughter Winter's age at the Reef. It was pure celebration for Will, so close to starting the drive to Jackpot, but still tender from the fallout at Win's apartment by being busted talking freedom to Las Imcoming not quietly enough on the phone. Sid repeats his honest attempts at warding off the inevitable by asking, "So she's the last gal you'll ever have sex with, Will?" Answered by a grinning "To be certain, Sid, bet the bird on it." Main Street brought back memories of steering my bike around the sidewalk displays when I was a kid headed for the Riviera theater, perhaps a prophesy for the night at the Riv when I accompanied her at her reunion with lifetime bud, Corrina. There must have been so many signs during that incarnation of languished dissonance called 1st marriage. But pondered on the plain of the 2P polka, the few identified signs satisfy the both assumption and the gyroguide among the carnal cascades of this tide called windfall. I wish I could have been more convincing to Sid who expected fallout instead. Love is more than it's made out to be, Sid, as I hope you've rediscovered, man.

June 9, 2006

The cartoon is a metaphor really for the fact that it's almost impossible in our celebrity obsessed culture to move around genres and sort of change your ideas, change your face, you know? ~~Damon Albarn

Funny's the name on the words/visuals/things that make you laugh. If you ask why it made you laugh, sometimes it puts you back in the situation to do it in a way that's true to yourself. When the outcome is a blend of mixed metaphors like Meryl playing a hooker, off-beat meets common sense - can you pull it off? Like so many former dablings, the off-beats can't stack up to the sweet love of kissing her head.

Adopting Her Common Sense
The first mistake I made was to take Duneville instead of Jones. I saw the Honda backing out of the driveway and stopped so he could finish and be on with it. When he just sat there for a few minutes, I slowly pulled up to him and saw his right arm extended all the way along the front seat and his gaze was out the rear window. I waved as a sign to go around him and I headed to the stop sign ahead. He came up from behind me, pulled along side my side then pulled in front of me and stopped. He got out and headed towards me, so I timed pushing my door with my foot just as he came close enough and knocked him down, and jumped on his stomach with both feet as I leaped from the truck. Wait a minute - my brother has been writing this chapter, not me. Let's go back to the part where the Honda was backing out. As he sat there, I rolled down my window and pretended to be asking him if he needed help but I never stopped and kept going. I pulled in the driveway and emptied the bags into the house, noticing the gorgeous glisten on the pool from the midday's sun. So I quickly put on my size 36 speedos, rearranged the boys and entered the water head first, grazing my chin on the mosaic beneath the surface. Thanks, Lord, for a terrific day. And , if I can confess, it's easier to accept her common sense as mine instead of always referring to my instincts. It's that good feeling that does it.

June 7, 2006

He had found the band of jackals he needed. But as Jack McCall rode through the center of town, he experienced the terrifying certainty that a man faces when he's about to make his own name famous. He lacked both a hero's calm and a coward's resolve to survive at any price. ~~"Wild Bill" movie

The knack is to N O T induce nervousness, when it leads to disruption. Like an actor immersed in the atmosphere of the scene who loses concentration by being startled, the notion that things get done when people expend their nervous energy ignores the favorable comparison of getting the work done with relaxed, focused people. Results by intimidation persist because the cost is less than investing to optimize the team. Intimidators are cheap to acquire or build (Home Owner Associations are outsourced neighborhood meetings - who wants to assemble a team out of total strangers?) Live and let live is tougher when the environment feels the presence of potential plaintiffs. So, if we're really as small as the things that annoy/startle us, we should all be working on calming by filtering so nervousness is not induced. The not quite transcendent is only one of many filters. I like visualizing what it looks like when the zone becomes all-consuming, then be like that. Only works some of the time but often enough to keep using it again and again. It just feels too good to be in the zone for as long as you can make it happen. If that is being fixated, we're fixated....

D-Day, 2006

"Top 10 Creative Rules of Thumb:
1. The best way to get great ideas is to get lots of ideas and throw the bad ones away.
2. Create ideas that are 15 minutes ahead of their time...not light years ahead.
3. Always look for a second right answer.
4. If at first you don't succeed, take a break.
5. Write down your ideas before you forget them.
6. If everyone says you are wrong, you're one step ahead. If everyone laughs at you, you're two steps ahead.
7. The answer to your problem "pre-exists." You need to ask the right question to reveal the answer.
8. When you ask a dumb question, you get a smart answer.
9. Never solve a problem from its original perspective.
10. Visualize your problem as solved before solving it. ~~Charles Chic Thompson

What got me started this morning was making sure she knows although I credit the CC and God, her calmness where stress responses used to be is so-o noticeable. Credit there, too . . . .

The Virtues of Vicariousness
In a little village at the foot of Red Mountain lives a quiet, humble man named Will, famous for his cheesesteaks and homemaker skills. One day Will discovers he's found the key to doin' it all. You see, Will was a dilettante, bouncing from interest to interest, sampling various forms of intimacy alone the way. Fortunately, he met Mona, a treasured jewel, bafflingly left for the taking, so he took her. One night in the part of the conversation where she reveals her cards, the bet was between actually going to a concert to get close to the performers and watching a DVD of it in their sanctified abode where the wet towel move was created. Will pondered the obvious choice and came up with Holy Shit, Batman, being a poseur, free-falling to safety so you can say you did it has great risk. Being a dabbler, trying oh so many things, getting expert at none of them, and now able to do them all virtually via tapping into the CC, is just too vicarious for the committed. But making the bottom-sweeping in the pool a simulated snokeling event, touted by this master of vicarious implementation, really is a virtue in the context of enhancing the romance. I forgot to mention that the key to all this discovery is getting morning, daytime and after dark doses of the most incredible Mona Love attainable, as needed, if you are going to try this at home. Anyway, her take on getting the tickets, getting there, hoping the immersion in the pubpool leaves no urine traces, turning in and getting back to the castilian casa where lantana faces greet you minus the group grope from the throng at the ticketed event, - her take is worth waiting for. So when that babe behind you asks "what are you waitng for?" tell her Mona's take on doin' it. Hint: she's not so big on photoshops since she's a realist and they're phony (They're one of my vicariousies). Taste me taste me.

June 5, 2006

I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing. ~~Sarah Silverman

For my first number today I'd like to dedicate this to the CC for thanks for favors added to us. Wet wraps and cloths broke the desert fever with assist by common sense to match the boudoir temp to the water and abracadabra my gametes end up on the Ds. Inspirational stuff watching her take what the day gives in live action. Screw multi-tasking - just another name for impairment by distraction. Give me the full focus anytime, especially when she has my focus completely, the time in the zone. This time unfolded as poke-free but I'm mentally marketing the therapy accorded by the cloth and lips. Could make a grown man refresh links to all things cosmic. Refreshing the conversations that didn't happen there in the months before the journey, just heightened my appreciation of what she was feeling all at the same time. She found a way to find the strength to repair the broken and that time, she tested how much multi-tasking her emotions required to handle the load. This time, the task is as simple as taking the time deserving of such a treasure. The fever broke and we awoke getting a good grip on things, taking intensive care of the thing at hand. Hibiscus mysteries, vari-temp by design.

June 3, 2006

Boredom: the desire for desires. ~~Leo Tolstoy

Does it matter if the chicken came first? Does it matter what came first, the desire or the adultery? Does the happy ending resolve the discussion? Living without the desire to cross-pollinate with flirts is like getting breathing apparatus to a dying miner, life-giving, sustaining, nurturing. Going back just restarts the discussion whose ending is real-time verifiable. It's the absence of fear about being left alone, permitting emphasis instead on the knowing the joy of the day is right next to you, just like the day before. If that joy comes first, would there ever be an opening, a trace of temptation? So far, there's only been desire from perfection, no lost time or intrusions. That's going to be the on-going story here and I relish every episode made from fresh excursions. Each morsel is texture for my gametes, appreciated for its effect, knowing how rarely anyone ever gets it from her. Her idea of worthwhile use of my time is far and away from the commerce for $$$$ - it's so much more worth the time to maintain the enterprise by being there, even when the BEST thing you do during the day is to fish for treasures in the lagoon, adjusting vision to see underwater and swoop along the bottom with the agility of a dolphin. I'm getting more familiar with the reptillian basis of my DNA, when reptiles were the advanced species, at home and in the water as amphibians. My inability to solve the world's crises directs me to the water and better understanding of God. She released me from me. No retelling of the happy ending should ever make into words without thanking her for who she is. Thank you so much, baby.

June 1, 2006

I think it is all a matter of love: the more you love a memory, the stronger and stranger it is. ~~Vladimir Nabokov

I forgot to mention when I got to the station, the girl by the door asked me, "Are you sure you want the Hilton, Will?". I quickly established I didn't know her, but how did she know my name? I pivoted on my left foot and sat down next to her to find out. She then became Consuela and I know now that this is just a dream. She's a gal who really gets into her guy and I like that about her. Some guys think they've ended up with a man-hater, but sometimes they're the only man she really hates. But a gal who really wants her man because of what he is instead of what he could be is my kind of gal. A guy needs to be able to release in similar proportions to her need, even if the methods are slightly galactic in their points of concurrence. This method makes me be on the PC but that's the only bad thing about it. I get to go with the flow in the stream of consciousness while engaging the CC and she gets to come with me a little later. It all fits snugly and makes the abode stay as romantic as our limitations. This dream during the day could be tested for delusionality but save the energy, it's a voice to the screenplay that hasn't congealed yet.

May 30, 2006

Apparently there's this new scandal about how you can see my scrotum hanging out of my blue boxer shorts for a split second on episode 161 of Three's Company. Someone asked me if maybe I did that on purpose. You bet I did. ~~John Ritter

The Paradise Effect is when you go from a place you like but you feel unsettled there, to a place where too-good-to-be-true warnings get laughed away and that place can only be compared to paradise - that's the PE. The monorail stopped and the name on the street sign below says Paradise, so I get off. I remembered the best time I had here when my niece Consuela imparted her detailed journey to paradise in the arms of a European gentle giant, who, sad to say is out of the story now. Too loose with the term paradise, you say? It falls short of the needed description, paradise, but it was my first Shangri La, the first nirvana taught by religious practitioners who take the Vow seriously. I used to be satisfied momentarily in former life with just a trace of fading tension, conflict and warfare. So this place I'm in now, this paradise surpasser has been sustained because it's based on truth and reality. It's where there's no comparison to the improvement over polishing the bishop, waxing her bikini is the preferred choice and the g-spot where all the style goes. Wouldn't be verifiable if I described that style in detail here, but I'll leave it as the most beautiful expression on her face, one more stunning than even a puppy or a baby. That expression says more than all the koala bear food in the garbage. Loving her begins with get a grip on it right through to Non-hyacinth desert flower. It always gets worked in, nobody griping about frequency, everybody flummoxed trying to do justice to clearly describing the feeling. The residual replays in Sanguinity format are sizzling and candidates for Best Knockoff of Rio Nights, Rio Days. Gotta stay strong.

May 25, 2006

I may have been a golden retriever in a past life. When I walk down the street, strange dogs I've never met before look at me and do double takes. They do. They look again. ~~William H. Macy

Mrs. Macy pulled off evoking sympathy even before I caught the words "eating disorder" in her past. Hell, it was during the era where you were labeled nuts if it ever came out you were barfing up your food or just not eating any. It was also not too much after the very first publicized dickectomy, which was overwhelmingly ew-ew-ew back then. So in my lifetime you could be made to believe it's so common now that a movie in which an about to be penis invert is actually likeable, sympathetic and believable. Maybe it was the early comic books , but I knew I liked females early in life. An unlikely neap tide in just the short time I've been around. Speaking of tides, that splashing sound beckons..All thanks to the CC for allowing my interest in everything of interest to her. If it commands her interest, I am all over that..

May 24, 2006

Even if we are occupied with important things and even if we attain honor or fall into misfortune, still let us remember how good it once was here, when we were all together, united by a good and a kind feeling which made us perhaps better than we are.~~Fyodor Dostoyevsky

When you're good, you get picked to do things that sometimes are high risk. Regrettably, your goal to complete the risky venture, to come out of it alive, repels the goal of the mission, i.e. commercial success. Alas, you feel like a winner but your bio doesn't read that way. The true indicators of success are being there in the aftermath to refine the explanations that affirm real success. 'Cause the only thing that matters is being there when destiny comes through and presents you with that elusive love. Being there and able to get around gingerly, ring bells and really let myself be loved. The last part is the power that drives the crazy dream machine, the one where you check-in to the resort and have no check-out time. The one where she fixes the boo-boos that she finds on me and has endless monkey squeezes. Caught in the cross-fire of today's featured offering of backyard bounty and the glimpse of Heaven in '07.

May 23, 2006

Winter 1995
Maybe it's time to tell about the wedding. No, not ours, but the best one to talk about for sheer appreciation. This is about in-laws who remarry but want to have their Taj Mahal moment. It took place in another city where the groom had kin or buds in close proximity. The tone was set at the airport when bride's daughter's hubby was a no-show, meaning later flight for them. Problem was we rented a SUV to fit all in our group and the wedding spot was two hours from the airport. Problem resolved by groom borrowing car and picking up the laggards and scooting them to the inn. I was already feeling recurrences of ear ache aggravated by airplane air, which probably heightened my delight on arriving at the old inn where a movie was once filmed. The stairs creaked and the room was nice and I felt rejuved by a coupla drinks at the bar where we were joined by our fun niece. My baby was tending to the attention of the bride who was already nervous. The morning of the event brought some last minute prep, like getting the P.A. system from Radio Shack so that the Journey tape of Open Arms could be played in place of Here Comes the Bride. The announced moment came and the bride....well, didn't. A room check revealed some major pre-ceremoniaI jitters and shitters, handled coolly by my able darling. It somehow pulled together and the wedding was surprisingly moving. I was taking pictures and my angel was shooting video footage with her antiquated camcorder, assigned roles we accepted gladly. And my start and stop of Journey was on track. The reception was just a short jaunt away and we packed up our gear and headed to the restaurant. When we got there, the bride was in tears, begging us to find a wedding cake that she was supposed to order but forgot. We rushed to the car looking for a bakery and found one. Of course, they had no wedding cakes but would take our order for some other day, so we said Thanks and went back to the search. We found a grocery store and the baked goods section had Christmas cakes, with white icing and red or green reindeer on top. We bought several and rushed back to the restaurant, sneaking by the group into the kitchen, where we asked the chef to stack the cakes and do something about the reindeer, OK? The bride look relieved when she was given our thumbs up and we joined the party and ate and drank until the tinkle of glass announcing the cutting of the cake staged the climax. The chef brought out this swirling masterpiece which was sliced and fed by the bride and groom traditionally, as we covered our faces with napkins to contain our laughter. He never knew and we never asked since if he knows the origin of that cake. The flight home was uneventful but oh so appreciated. Sometimes the love just makes sense out of just about everything, but the cake caper was a capper that's hard to top.

May 18, 2006


May 18, 2008

Enchanted by today from strong reflection of currents from former.

It's morning and my location in the Rio faces the mountains. This is the moment like when they deliver the first payment from your winnings. It's so big you know nothing will happen that would turn it into something wrong. Twenty four hours ago I was back there, obsessed with this moment and twenty four weeks ago, mourning Mom and planning my sayonara that didn't include this place. But here I am, son of a meter reader, messenger from God to save a marriage, commiting adultery and loving it. This is so different from all the other dalliances, this time I come with as clean as I could get my hands, this time to make the love that eluded us in Atlanta. My life has hit what would be the manic phase if I were bipolar, but since I'm not, it's just the rarest form of exultation possible between two worshippers of affection. Far from the earmarks of any losers conventions, today is going to be the relief from the aching of the weeks past.

She calls after the arrival of a huge basket of juice, food and wine. I don't tell her when the door knocked and it was a bellman delivering the largess, my heart sunk like it hit an iceberg. That's why your call about the dogs, I said OK and meant it. Then the moment actually happened when you arrived...... you are there in your jeans and white top and all I can see is your eyes as we begin that kiss that we've described a thousand times and still haven't come close to defining the takeover of our voice of reason. Neither of us was willing to let the reasoning associated with Do Nothing as a strategy for transforming faulty marriages, take hold.

That kiss was the coronation at the throne of real redemption. Spinning, whirling, jousting tongues, air-emptying squeezing, erogenous zone alerts. The standard message of "stick it in" somehow was drowned out by the fixation of never letting this kiss end. It could be described as hours as the duration, if the short breaks to say a few words could be allowed as conjunctions. If there was a contest underlying this life defining moment, it could not have elicited more passion, more endurance than the simple reality that we both, indeed, found each other and this is just the begining.

Anyone whoever had a No-Tell Motel moment in their life may try to fit this story into that kind of event. So sad. The days, yes days and nights that evolved from The Kiss were non-stop making out of the inexhaustible supply type. When one of us closed our eyes for some semblance of recalibrating, the other would begin another bout of kissing and loving of the sweetest variety ever realized. Of course, the entire time after sundown was colored with flames of burning candles, and the wine ran out first, requiring some replenishment during time spent back at the homestead.

It was there it began, there and the time between checking in and her arrival that christened my boat named Home Alone which now stabilizes life today in this love zone. Prolonged making out is still a frequent outcome here today. How often do you get to actually tell the person to their face how much you really mean it when you say I love you and only you (famiglia not included)? She's the one, the one person who's fully sustainable in all the musts, ensuring eternal connectivity. So divinely matched that the conversation is more than enough. It was SEALED with that kiss, not started with it. The connection was made in Buckhead but was sealed in the Rio. The weeks in between were the buffer to allow enough anticipation for touchdown here at the Rio, but also enough cold reasoning to engage the return trip unaccompanied by death from heartbreak for having to go back.

Worth it? Are you serious? Have you been reading? Yes, worth everything but never gauged by what was relinquished, but rather what sublime entanglement we've wrought. Where kissing is not an event, but an auto-response from Brodman's area 24 . The fusion created by that kiss allowed the two of us to experience giving it up willfully for the first time while having to alter our desires to fit the situation NOT AT ALL!. That probably wouldn't be appreciated by most people, especially we who were affection-deprived, or at least found out from this how much we were.

The awareness of knowing you've found what you were really looking for all those years is astounding. It cannot be faked. It cannot be willed by challenged mortals. But it surely provides the answer to "why is there air?". Now all that's left is the answer to the other thousand or so questions, something we'll be spending the rest of our time uncovering.

Is it possible you're taking me to your 25th high school reunion? Is the power of love and the aroma from the candles making me your lion king? We really need to let the housekeeping crew do their work in this chamber of continual climax. We need to let this all sink in - we're gonna spend the time making it happen, that spend your lives together forever thing.

May 16, 2006

There's a good time moon on the rise tonight I can hear the call of the city lights There's a time to work,and a time to play I've worked all I'm gonna work today Ain't no stopping me now It's my night to howl

~~Lorrie Morgan

Changing positions - why the negatory view that changing is a sign of weakness and moral vacuity? Loyalty is a praised virtue, longevity = applause. Making a change as viewed as a symptom of ADHD, no matter what level of longevity you've reached, misses the point of moving on. It's sad to disappoint those that depend on you when you make the move, but reinvigorating your mo-jo can be life-saving. It's all about carrying on, rebuilding, making a reality where the fit is perfect and the application of life's rules happens with a little daily affection added for desert dessert. Position change is a frequency gauge revealing how centered you are, how agile and how much hurt is going on. Being exposed to someone who enjoys hurting people 'til they cry can make you cry. The absurdity. Now's the point where I bring up the chorus to Ain't No Stopping Me Now, for consideration as your farewell number. Morning jaunts ending up on the swing, nice 'n easy on the weekends and your last flight from the cuckoos' nest only fingers away from happening - all too good to be true. The sunrise can be more beautiful than the nightfall when we're out in it.

May 15, 2006

We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget. ~~Joan Didion

The difference between hope and a plan is that hope appears twice, at the beginning and at the end of the plan that you've employed to make happen what you've hoped for. One element in the plan is to recognize that jealousy is a reasonable response to interaction with potential contact with ladies capable of enticing. The forgotten card this morning could have been taken as a bad omen, instead, just a delay. The double ride meant higher heart rates at the outset of the warm-up and when the cruncher was under the tube showing dialogue between an ebony wonder woman celebrity and a gay man, I thought I read" "like when you were next to me in bed......." and I pictured her man later saying "what's up?" when encountered and I realized if he were me and left explaining "hey, she's my sexual opposite, meaning no taste for my kinda lovin' " would that look like a Ferris Bueller? In my past, I fought to justify legitimacy of female friends, now there's no need. But it does make my answer be "the gay guy" to the question of "what would make her more jealous, meeting up with you in conversation with a gay guy or any non-famiglia woman?" If I'm wrong, doesn't matter - not an issue now. Think I'll go lower my heart rate.

May 12, 2006

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from. ~~Al Franken

When things are designed where only the people who KNOW understand how things work, you have to know. The idea of a smart deputy helps but doesn't replace the need to know yourself. But this is more accomodating than the opposite - things that are designed so EVERYONE understands them, then they get so swamped with litigation-proof rules as the prevailing culture, that the ones to whom the dumbed-down designs were made ignore them anyway. When you live where law rules, know the law. OK, sound like you do, anyway. The laws of love are simple and persuasive - there's one, find her. Is she Aphrodite? Shirley? Shirlodite? The one and only correct answer is she's her. Sweet as a mother's love. Pleasing by staying true to her beliefs. The one about love your man is stunning and the parts that recreate desert yoots, priceless.

May 9, 2006

Hollywood is where you get up at noon, read the funnies, and if the sun's not out, you go to dirty movies until cocktail time. ~~Paul Lynde

Pledging impartiality is like promising fidelty, theory being you can control you but you can't control outside forces from taking over you. We have to act as impartial when really we'd like our preferences to determine outcomes. We can act, too, about being faithful but if it's just a promise, it's not actual and actual is what counts. Fighting to maintain fidelity could be exasperating, so not worrying about it saves so much energy. I was never in competition with the other man so the knowledge he's going away early next year is no less a relief. She stays so approachable whenever it's just us. Is it just an illusion that you'll never see me and the other man in the same room at the same time again? Or is it true even though I worked for a short spell at the other man? She is my other woman, too, which is convenient in making fantasies become real. Impartiality isn't real but fidelty is. The duration FOREVER really is.

May 9, 2006

When you get to the place when there's no place to go means you got all day 'cause you never missed a job and because of that, you got all day to do what the day gives. Now and forever. Maybe it's because the place where that happens is here and now. Got no place to go because yesterday took care of place ya gotta go, not that it's a bad thing. But a Pearl Bailey morning with both hope and a plan opens the outside with an invitation that saturates every spectrum. I'm there...

May 8, 2006

I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainty that just to be alive is a grand thing. ~~Agatha Christie

I wonder if OCD is just the result of someone coming to a crossroad and the lesson learned was "always listen to the decider in your head", no exceptions. It's based on trust of that decision, one that YOU made using all your equipment (basic and optional). And if you have to use an interpreter for each of the zones you occupy on a regular basis, too much effort wasted. Going along saves all that Now time for actual together time. The alon time is for taking care of things to make together time what it is. But during together time (both actual and spiritual) the decider never says to disable your override, so if you decide to abort, hit the brakes. I do and move to the zone which has the most pleasant sounds and smells at that moment (from proven list). Range of motion and clarity take the stage. A little ceramic outlining of the solar plexus may get the wagon train moving - gym, Sammies, cooking - too little sleep.

May 5, 2006

Humor is imperative, more important than food. ~~Doris Roberts

A Save to Disk moment last night getting blown away by her recap of her nailed Rosemary reception yesterday. Watching so many movies makes you zoom inside performances that are fresh, persuasive and delivered in realism. Getting this far took some innovation and dedication and there's no better way to hear that to get the full effect than to hear her speak it . Confidence baked right on the spot via direct conversation with the only decider that counts over there. Clear and conclusive remarks made with intent are as good as they get, satisfying all by themselves. Even if nothing changes, the confidence in getting them out in the most romantic surrounding, then in the most romantic place recapping them for me is grander than anything I've notched here. She is an impresario and I get to be there for the BEST performances.

May 4, 2005

The trouble with America isn't that the poetry of life has turned to prose, but that it has turned to advertising copy. ~~Louis Kronenberger

Staying power used to have a different meaning. It used to be that staying power meant quality, as in 'built to last a lifetime'. Longevity meant praise, long lasting meant good. Now staying power usually can go right to the image of being known for what you do - the athletic/entertainer model, 15 minutes of fame, paparazzi. Screw the mahogany couch that will never fall apart - we get stuff knowing we'll get tired of it before it wears out. Staying power as in length of fame = length of extravagant living. In Stage Now of life, staying power means your main interests remain your main ones longer than in former years. Not so much du jour anymore, more what worked this time last year still works. Oh, the names have changed (2Ps, PPCC, BBC, Will Harper....) but the live life simple, live love endlessly has soared throughout every phase so far. Our hands are insured by Lloyd's of London. The staying power of love is forever when you're matched at the soul. A Rosemary Thyme.

May 3, 2006

Last Day~~December someteen, 1994
Your last day of working should be memorable. Especially if you've been waiting for it all your adult life and that moment happens when your boners are still as coveted as when you were pubescent and, by the way, you're getting a second chance by driving to where they tested A-bombs and starting out fresh with a desert flower. So I'm in my cubicle doing actual business on this day before my last and final appearance, so I performed. I am in this force field that actually is a converted aura, guiding me through these last days of Former as it has through most of '94, shielding me from danger. Even the tongue-lashing I got a few nights before from Frank Brown's wife at the End of an Era farewell dinner to us, the departing, where she cursed me as an abandoner as our dinner repartee turned vile - even THAT couldn't penetrate the sensory shield. The phone rings and it's the front desk in the lobby where contract security guys sit behind a console checking arrivals. He say's he's Dan Gisney from Claims Security and my life passed before me. I'm one fucking day from getting out alive and they're going to escort me out for the time I smoked a doobie in the public parking lot behind headquarters. Unbelievable! I waited for the elevator thinking how close can you come to the escape hatch without it closing on you - THIS close! When I turned after walking away from the open elevator doors, I approached the console like a dead man walking. "Will Harper?", Dan Gisney asks. "Yep" I answer. He said "This is a process server" and aimed his glance to the guy on his left with a clipboard. He handed me an envelope, mentioning something about being served notice of divorce and sign here... I emotionally ejaculated! "Thanks - thanks so much" I gushed, signing the paper on the board. I turned to Dan and asked if we were finshed here and he said "Boy, I never saw anyone so happy to be served divorce papers" and I just said "you had to be there..." or something trite like that, something small-talky. It so affected my psyche that I got up in the middle of the night, jumped in my Olds and headed for the Land of Dreams, effectively blowing off my actual last day, thinking, "what are they going to do? - dock my annuity?" That little event was the start of a 5 year divorce, forcing me back to work to pay off my shysters and testing how many "Don't worry - it'll be over one day"s I could conjure up. Now it's just a mildly funny story devoid of any bloodstains, told from the happy fingers of Jackpot Will.

May2, 2006

Well, okay, I concede that unless you can *recognize* a box, it's hard to tell whether you're in one or outside one -- and that sometimes In The Box is the right place to be, especially for novice thinkers who need reassuring limits. But then, the *real* novices can't think in 3-D yet, so they're simply left On Square One; if they're narrow-minded to boot, then all they know how to do is Toe The Line -- and if their thinking hardly goes anywhere in the first place, at least they have no trouble Getting To The Point. ~~whatsbruin@halfbake Sep 05 2001

Today's challenge is to find enough release of the non-linear stuff outside to make these forays here not so much. Since the preferred place for the off-line venue is outside, it is there I am

April 28, 2006

The reason people blame things on the previous generations is that there's only one other choice. ~~Doug Larson

Talking the walk lets you walk the walk AND walk the talk. You get another chance to feel the wonderment some more just talking about it. But then the phone rings and you're deep down glad that the walk included what it did - no thinking you must choose the right emotion, your response IS the right emotion if there is such a thing. You express your love to someone who knows your love, expressed in your words of the present in the rapture of today and she returns the affirmation. A timely reconnection. My QC of my communication with her about where she planted the sunflower seeds led me to worst case that I'm watering and babying weeds that I thought were sunflower babies. That let cord metaphor used in the communication QC would pertain if we took the same words from a single person totally different. If it falls on your side, you're right. We don't do "listen to me so you'll know what's right", we do "listen to each other" instead. So who's right is about equal, and I learn so much from her. And those hands. The world has been trying since Fred Flintstone died to come up with an even better system where more than just some people escape poverty. I'm walkin', yes, indeed.

April 27, 2006

When I was a child, my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you will become a general. If you become a monk, then you will end up as Pope.' Instead, I became a painter, and wound up as Picasso. ~~Pablo Picasso


Those sanguine signs, a harvest of optimism.
Power of the 2Ps, add some added mobility and the cherry on top is fellow sufferers shedding the undesired, united by mission.
An understandable desire to cross the finish line like a torch carrier is a given and melodramatic
Maybe because we'll encounter a friendly from inside the circle around town, a possibility I skirted by landing over the rainbow
My respect for that has to add to yours to make a decent One - the minimum needed for the high road to the line
Then the silence broken by a songbird is no longer just a weekend or weeknites thing
It joins with the other stimulators to become an anthem for achievement, a lie down without a row, as in trowel
an escape to the glory of a sanctum where excitement thrives without the price of mass exposure
you made your own bed, now lie in it never sounded so sweet as when it's said from high thread count sheets, from lips attached to the person devoted to the life therein who by the way happens to be a soldier in the saga of storybook sentiments....
If the answer to "Name the BEST lovin' ever in your life" is from someone other than who you just had your last lovin' with, then maybe you're with the wrong person. The only lovin' that counts is the lovin' you get today.

April 26, 2006

When your work speaks for itself, dont interrupt. ~~Henry J. Kaiser

There's a difference between bitchy and chippy. Chippy is reserved for acceptable venting when aggravated alot, comes with a large, friendly vent. Conversational venting is preferred but we accept Indignation, Persecution and even STFU cards. Buy one, get one free if used in a conversational sitting, either outside or on the couch (wine optional). The stilled warrior in all of us really, really prefers to remain stilled. Plus the awareness of the power of deliciousness makes vents leading to O much more lasting than rants. Easy to say when you're venting just with the eyes solely because you've been given the second chance. That and the power of deliciousness. The lesson found hidden in every leaf and rock. The taste. Makes you eligible for the grand drawing at the end of the commerce line (hint: there's only one ticket and it's YOURS). The grand prize is getting to pick your own stimulation in place of the shallow imposed imitations at that other place. That and the power of deliciousness.

July 1995
One of the rewards of finding out she's a bigger Mommy wuss than you are is you REALLY get to meet her parents. It's not just the apple's distance from the tree that makes it so compelling, it's the actual experience. We were in the middle of a family camping trip during which I really got to meet her sib's family by mesmerizing them with our story, just me and them. Mom's place was just a few miles down the road which we were cruising down when her nervousness made me ask if there's something I could do to mellow out those jitters and it was as simple as a shirt with sleeves and no sunglasses. Our previous phone conversations totally prepared me for the meeting but it was magical. She met us at the door and took us to her yard, where we talked small talk and she got to slap my hand for squeezing her daughter's. The whole encounter lasted just minutes but it accorded me the moment to allow me to pledge my worship of her, accept her copy of the Book of Mormon and squeeze her hand as we left. Yes, it resulted in conditional affirmation which still inspires me as these words flow. Her Dad was even more receptive, imploring me to marry her while he was still standing. The admiration I hold for him for his heroic return on an ATA flight during which he could barely hold himself upright let alone get in and out of the lavatory in the front of the plane (picture 300 eyes staring in disbelief as we nonchalantly inched each way towards the airplane toilet as if we do this ALL the time). Yes, she is truly her Mom's creation and her Dad's crowning achievement. And I got to love them both before they left the building.

April 25, 2006

Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues. ~~John Locke

The nobilty of the warrior
The nobility of the canary in the mine?
The sacrifice of the canary in the mine
Protecting the kingdom
The kingdom where good is proclaimed
The kingdom where crazy shit happens
Ergo, Protecting is noble, it exalts your character
What if you decide to not become a warrior?
What are other ways of the noble?
Loyal to the cause of love and romance
That way can lead to broken heart
Better than a bullet in the heart
The finish line has built-in reward
The ability to discern the stimulators
Willing and able to be there for each other
When the moment of meeting occurred
Devoted to being there for the rest of time
Using that time like a sculptor
Taking away the parts that don't fit the image
Working only on things that cultivate love and romance
Blurring the things that ache
Elevating the things that lead to O
Tough life but for the open channels
Places to leave traces of the sarcastic tough
But fearless of taking us to higher elevations
Just because they're there

April 24, 2006

Things will not be necessarily continuous. The fact that they are something other than perfectly continuous Ought not to be characterized as a pause. There will be some things that people will see. There will be some things that people won't see. And life goes on. ~~Donald Rumsfeld

He's got the whole world in His hands - great choice of words for accenting the fingers & palms. It's in her touch. It's all part of being in the loop with her. Nice name for perpetual penchant for beautyrest moments. Loop - as in loop-de loop, sometimes you're upside-down going forward then you circle back up with a smile again. Got a deferred P goin' on and got a strong draw towards getting out the story. Given those two gottas, off to the story..........

Christmas 1997
Something different this year - celebrate the occasion in another place. Our dart landed on the Mesquite sliver on the dart board. Thinking ahead, we decided to put a holiday display on the spot where Mom was laid laid to rest. After checking out the usual stores we ended up at Savers, finding this wreath-like wrap made of plastic, aluminum and colorful dodads. The drive up was uneventful, checking in at resort which used to be vacant land when the Hot Vegas babes were there in the 60s. Some of us remember images of Christmas in the tropics, Christmas in Miami, Hollywood - any warm & sunny place. Now you get the picture of the Casablanca in December. We took our traditional luggage plus the presents we bought to be part of the experience. There was alcohol in some form (probably bubbly), some gourmet treats??, and a serious present or two. All that's needed to fill out this picture is trains around a tree. But so not necessary. We took the elevator to the restaurant upstairs based on a flawless tip from la famiglia and were thrilled they were serving on Christmas Eve. The feeling that's the basis of this tale must have been incubating on the ride up because early into the dinner we were both experiencing an almost seance-like state of being. The server was like in a Twilight Zone scene, playing right along with the hallucinator. But it's like we both tried X for the first time and all the loving feeling takes over. Only all we had was some alcohol and this was no buzz. We returned to our room glowing and went to the spa to get a read and ended up in their heated pool (98.7 degrees) to clear us for Santa. The stars in Mesquite are 100 times glowier than the ones we can see from the 'cuzz out our door. Christmas morning arrived with ceremonial surprise opening the presents and we suited up for a breakfast then a trip to the cemetary across from where Grandma used to live. It's a small church-sized community graveyard shaded by mature, make that ancient trees. We found the family plot and there was her headstone. We said a prayer, sniffled and graced the spot with a fitting tribute to this exalted day. As we were leaving, my head turned and I was standing on the grave of my cybernamesake, oh, what a fitting affirmation of the glory of Christmas 1997. Naturally, we said we were going to do this EVERY year and we've only spent one other Christmas Eve in another place since. It really makes more sense to be tucked away from the holiday strung-out crowd rather than intermingling and traveling with them.

April 22, 2006

Staying with this format to see if content maintains its stellar readability. The sentiment of slaying the dragon which is killing you applies in kind to getting it right. You never stop having to get it right if that means right attention, right outcomes, right blend of options when refreshing, right timing, right spot on the gangplank to stop.........end list. The big one, the one to get right in this lesson is getting the right mate. The ensuing rights thusly come out in a duet of one voice when chasing the same stars. No more dreams of where you could be, just endless pleasures in an endless line of alternates. They keep the tipping points way outside the gates. The sounds of Breakfast on Pluto blend with Sergio Mendes, preludes to the peeking sun. The reminiscing fails to deliver longing for the days of Rio, that would be a backstep to the potency of the 2Ps. Farewell to transiency. Fade to Poinciana.

Summer 1995
It's funny when your moment in life happens to include frequent getaway weekends. This was the period when maintaining the cool had a specific meaning, fear of the Known. So where do we look to? Lake Havasu, a destination by the water in AZ. The direct route there was measured in heightened excitement of two lane highway with the added rush of frequent passers along capital C curves. But we arrive and check-in at the resort only to find out there were not any restaurants open so we ended up at an Arby's. The suite at the hotel was an apartment replete with a spa sized tub. We were contacted to get our rent taken off we endured a time-share pitch. The destination called Havasu links with the bridge any way it can. The shops along the waterfront were visit worthy and the time-share consisted of a retired-utility guy taking us around in a golf cart and a quick "thanks,no thanks" to some sales lady. We changed into our suits and joined the pool and beach crowd but the highlight, of course, took place in the apartment, um, suite, buzzed on bubbly, curled toes. The ride back home was more relaxed and was lovestamped by mouth to the tune of Rocket Man. We get more vigor now minus the travelling. Just no more pix in the cowboy hat....

April 20, 2006

Charlie: And I'd really like to kiss you, but that's not a good idea, because then we'd start kissing on the couch, and then we'd start kissing on the bed, and I don't wanna rush into spending the night together. Harriet: I'd love to spend the night together. Charlie: I have no problem with that!~~Mike Myers as Charlie Mackenzie

Mar '94
Love took over one night in Georgia. Summarized expressedly as follows: We turned a one drink nitecap for me into this lifetime of destiny. She openly demanded another spin but ended the nite swooning in a room with a group and I stroked her back, home of the current joy current. I awoke in the morning with her in my room, catching only an hour or so of sleep after a night of coversation and holding. Unfortunately, I had no time to refresh for the business meeting that lured me to this place, so I showed up just a few minutes late, unshaved, in a hawaiian shirt and jeans to the lobby where my comrades from other companies had assembled for the ride to the venue. Other than a few "did I not get the memo?" jokes about my attire, the tension from the importance of today's meeting kept all WTF?s from spilling out. The tone for today was "let's not make us go the lawsuit route" and all I could think of was the unmistakable conviction that I really, truly found her. Our van pulled into the front of the complex and in minutes we met the enemy. Their suits conveyed impressions of damage control from executives for the company that sold us something that doesn't yet work. We were engaged in their location and the meeting progressed into an intense exchange of accusations, ideas, recommendations......all leading to another revised workplan. I asked the exec from Montreal if there was anything he could do to get us adjourned by noon. He asked "have a hot date?" then grinned when I said yes. I knew she had to be at the shuttle by 1:30 and I didn't want her to leave without ensuring she was aware I wanted her in my life, arranged anyway we could. When the "that's it" was said in the meeting, I shot to get the 1st cab, dragging my gumba with me, who was chuckling at me the entire morning. The cab pulled up and we were off to our hotel. It was a late 80s Chevy Caprice and the driver was a cross between Queen Latifah and Nardo. I slipped her a $20 and asked if she could kick it up to RUSH mode. The ride down the interstate had moonshiner qualities, swerving lanes and dodging fenders from the bystanders in the other lanes. I ran to the lobby and not one from her team was there. I called her room and got the "leave a message" voice. I leapfrogged from my room to the lobby and back and forth, finally seeing her in a V-neck top, looking luscious, standing over her suitcase. I approached and constrained my craving to hug her, noticing the protective gazes from her entourage. I kissed her on the cheek when the shuttle pulled in and went outside with her. How do you say it discretely? - I won't let you go out of my life. I can be very accomodating.... She walked into that container that was taking her away from me but I must keep my cool. She found a window seat and looked out the now covered with raindrops glass at my face contorted with the look of love. The rain bouncing off my face was right up there with the puppy at the shelter begging to be taken home. The shuttle pulled away and I had my shoulder tugged by my witness to this happening, one that he characterized by summer camp romantics, followed by a stern lecture on "what happens in _______ fill-in city, Stays in__________". How could I have possibly convinced him at that moment that I found the love I've been looking for all my life and I'm certain because of the connection made the night before. She later described the actual connector she saw when we were dancing. We both knew it was more than the sizzle associated with strange and it wasn't lust. It was a reception at the incarnation. We were sent to fulfill each other's birthright on the streetcar named destiny. Love me long time. Relax your shoulders.

April 19. 2006

Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother. ~~Anon.

The capture of Palm Springs and now Lip Balm is probably a good thing. This time I tried Lip first and now this. To get today's meaning, congratulatory admins, warm sun, 2Ps still aiding the cause. So one up finds us fashioning another glimpse - this time with collateral damage:

Spring '95
Never was particularly phobic about my mustache, but when the white hairs were looking scraggly, I used that Just 4 Men dye and eventually ended up with an allergic rash under the hairs. So I figured it was the particular dye in that one and bought a Revelon or L'Oral with ladies on the front of the box to, you know, tone out the whiteys. My usual day at this point in living out the dream is 6 pack, Howard by the pool and wind-up for the excitement upon her arrival. Today I thought colorin' the whiteys would be a good idea, so I mixed up the putrid crap and applied it for a few seconds, rinsed and shampooed. It burned a little but the effen smell.... So right before she's about to come home, I notice a little swelling under my nose, but ran an ice cube over it to quell the burning a little. She came home, we hugged, we kissed, we walked a few steps and hugged and kissed some more. No surprise - it's what we did every living, breathing minute at that point of the day. Sometime into the evening, she noticed my lip seemed swollen and I shrugged and got another ice cube. When her inquiries persisted, I told her about the dye job and we laughed. She thought neosporin would help (it's like her Windex). I kept proclaiming the swelling was going down but by mid-night, I was starting to worry. I rooted through the drawers and found the solution - Vagisil. C'mon - makes sense - soothes tissue - lip is tissue. So applied freely and went back to bed. The morning bustle came into being and I looked in the mirror and looked like Leon Spinks with full teeth. My upper lip could have been used as a window shade and when I talked, it sounded like alot of Fs and Ss. We both agreed it would be a good idea to visit the medical center first thing of the day. So I check-in, showing all the cards and making the nurse grin when I tell her what I did and confessed my Vagisil first aid. The doctor shot up my lip with anti-histamine and made me promise to never use hair dye around my mouth again. Lesson learned? I should have tried Preparation H instead of Vagisil.

April 18, 2006

Every moment of one's existence one is growing into more or retreating into less. One is always living a little more or dying a little bit.

~~Norman Mailer

Eliminating the craptacular is more futile than getting ass out of life. Ass as in smells like not piece of. Reduction makes easier path towards achievement, so let's go for reduce instead of eliminate. Reduce exposure for one. Reduce diversions even better. It always comes back to getting the most time devoted to consuming beauty. The good stuff. Sanguine signs of storybook sentiments. So the story about the trip to Palm Springs:

Things were warming up in the love nest but not the good kind. Piece of mind dictated an excursion to attend a much postponed tennis camp. After making arrangements, we parted in the parking lot and I and Not My Father's Oldsmobile headed to Bob Hope's playground. The mood was somber but remarkably clear headed. That was until the Moody Blues came on "makes me want to cry,cry,cry..." and I did - so much that I had to pull off the Interstate to regain my driving vision. Wished I could be in your heart To be one with your love Wished I could be in your eyes Looking back there you were, and here we are. Several hours later found me scoping out the Four-star resort just north of Rancho Mirage. Then I sought and found a Motel 6 just 10 minutes down the connecting highway where I called her from my room that first night. The necessity for the getaway was stressed. I ate my first dinner away from us at a Carl's Jr. next to the motel. I somehow slept through the night with the aid of copious malt liquors (swear). The next morning I got to the tennis courts before anyone was there to open it up. I stared at the mountains which were darker and maybe taller than the one's we looked at every night on the terrace as the sun went down. I was going to be OK with this temporary arrangement and maybe even get better at tennis at the same time. The sign-up guy was friendly, considering he probably expected to get coffee before checking in the guy from Vegas. We walked around the facilities, getting primed for where the clinic would start and where open courts with optional ball machine could be used on off hours. The clinic was more than an hour away so I checked out the Westin for something to fill my stomach.The splendor of the place explained the $200+ a night rate, hence the Motel 6 where the weekly rate was $320. The staff at tennis were competent and the clinic consisted of two couples and some guys and gals, ages 30s thru 50s, guess. The drills were helpful in the basics and one of the instructors paired me with another guy to hit with him. I got to meet a guy from New Zealand and his babe, a 20s aerobics instructor. His tennis level was the best of the group and he explained his technique which started with picking the racket up from the ground and keeping that grip, hitting the ball from the knees up and exaggeratedly across the body to follow-through. The drive back to Thousand Palms where the motel was situated found me concentrating on the phone call to her which would highlight the day. More malt liquor, more Carl's Jr. and another night with broken sleep following a long conversation, filling me in on her dealings with the source of my absence in town this week. The morning greeted this transplant with morning showers which eventually cancelled the clinic for the day. The Auchland guy suggested drinks at the bar in town he and Celeste Spandex went to the night before. We ended up trading stories and I had the lady making Ah sounds at the part of the story where I get to the apartment for the first time. Auchland guy says in a time, I'll be getting tired of her and moving to the next. I wanted to let him know why that will never happen but left it at that. Another long phone conversation from my bed that night and another day to repeat the routine. Funny thing, no Auchland guy and mate - they were the 1st scammers the tennis guy ever experienced - a phony credit card. Oh well, the drills were accelerated and this time one of the single gals asked if I'd like a match with her after the clinic. We hit until the sun started to set and she won the match. We, too talked about my "situation" and parted after I gave her some places to eat and that I'd passed on getting a bite together. This time when I get back to my room, I thought of the call I had on the way out west with my sister, in which she asked what if I was asked to leave and I lost it in the middle of my conversation with her. She said "better come home - right now" and I did. Looking back, you were there and here we are.... Time for pause.

April 17, 2006

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. ~~Edith Wharton

No matter how bad you are, you'd be the GOOD part of somebody else's family. Plus 1 = the Immaculate Pairing. The face of Nature is only a fraction of the beauty made by her, the high priestess of ribald ha-ha's. The view from the closet door side is the most beautiful thing I ever saw. Twice reflected, it is Mona squared in innate stuniness (eat your heart out Colbert..). Had my own stigmata this morning...OK, it was just a st, since the other 4 never appeared to form the igmata. Actually doing some aggressive cleaning caused a scratch but the link to yesterday appeared thru the weeping form of the acacia., a day blessed with the resonant tones of getting off. Love sweeter than pecan crostata. Beauty tribulating all opposite forces, nurturing matertionly (that's 2, Stephen..). Happiness can buy you more money and I got it GOOD and that ain't bad.

April 13, 2006

Science fiction is not predictive; it is descriptive. Prediction is the business of prophets, clairvoyants, and futurologists. It is not the business of novelists. A novelist's business is lying. Open your eyes; listen, listen. That is what the novelists say. But they don't tell you what you will see and hear. All they can tell you is what they have seen and heard, in their time in this world, a third of it spent in sleep and dreaming, another third of it spent in telling lies. ~~Ursula K. LeGuin

The steep climb to where you can steep by the jets with her was steep. It damaged parts required to make it to 150, thanks to my previous disregard for perpetuity. But the parts that made it thru unscalloped offer some fine steeping sessions where our deliverance still routinely creates magic. Is that all there is? Is there anything else worthwhile including? All the time is in full use as au paire for the solitary soul, but attention is fixed on conventional communication as well. The antidote to Been Dones featuring "are we having fun yet?s" is ever-changing delivery methods for activating the nasty, something that comes pure natural for the lucky ones. Extended intervals - thank you, tradition - multiply the possibilities - thank you, downsizing.

April 12, 2006

Write verse, not poetry. The public wants verse. If you have a talent for poetry, then don't by any means mother it, but try your hand at verse. ~~Robert W. Service

Doing what it takes to get the desired results is recognizing the ones that are working. Tracing how they got there may get you insight on what it takes, but more importantly, you get to be able to know what you really want. The rough part comes when you decline to use what works, simply because it is abhorrent to you. The trick is to come up with what works for you and gets the desired results. Doin' it with grace. Doin' it your way, spared from things from the past that anchor you from moving on. Doing like a dullard if that works for you. Using the experience of frequently being around people smarter than you to avoid any semblance of intimidation knowing that. Doing it with the comfort of knowing your family is dealing with their personal adversities using actual experiences that induced good results, too. The words of the prophets are written in HTML, glauming at them works. The dream was Elkton based (flipped B210, trashed then praised for appraisal) - the best possibilty so far that it's the ground zero for the association to the trauma. I'm getting closer to extinguishing it. I'm sufficiently seasoned to direct the mission with my back covered by her. Long live 2Ps.

April 11, 2006

We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing. ~~R. D. Laing

Making the grade unafraid, then taking that triumph across the soul. Much focus was on the differences among: afraid, worried, depressed...............end list. They're not all one thing, but conquering the big one that's killing you makes them all go away for good. Provided, of course, you're with the person who thinks as highly of you as you worship her and you're in it for the duration. Life as a journey, gee, who thought of that? But like modern travel, you bring so much along with you that sorting out the good stuff should take the lifetime. The more hands-on time with the good stuff, the less time to worry about the dust in all our corners. I was full of fear and now there's none - I must find the way to quell hers. Sanguine signs of our storybook sentiments must remain the dominant passion and both of us will make that happen. Screw the effete label - it's really good to be here.

April 10, 2006

Perhaps our supercilious disgust with existence is a cover for a secret disgust with ourselves; we have botched and bungled our lives, and we cast the blame upon the "environment" or the "world," which have no tongues to utter a defense. The mature man accepts the natural limitations of life; he does not expect Providence to be prejudiced in his favor; he does not ask for loaded dice to play the game of life. He knows, with Carlyle, that there is no sense in vilifying the sun because it will not light our cigars. And perhaps, if we are clever enough to help it, the sun will even do that; and this vast neutral cosmos may turn out to be a pleasant place enough if we bring a little sunshine of our own to help it out. In truth, the world is neither with us or against us; it is but raw material in our hands, and can be heaven or hell according to what we are. ~~Will Durant

Are eras just determinations of the highest forms being recorded? Or the lowest? When the animals were worshipped, era of stupidity? Or wisdom? Going with the most beauty leaves a distaste for the fugly that gets your attention. Form of denial? Just real good filtering? It creates a glutony for the comfort beauty brings. Fortunately, everyday becomes a feast. A carpal tongual convention.

April 8, 2006

We are pessimistic because life seems like a very bad, very screwed-up film. If you ask "What the hell is wrong with the projector?" and go up to the control room, you find it's empty. You are the projectionist, and you should have been up there all the time. ~~Colin Wilson

Authority as your interlocutor, am I too deep in her realm? When project managers are made line managers, the experiences endured dictate the translation. Danny De Vito intimidator vs. concern for the people. I wanted my interlocutor to have a favorable voice to his direct report (not pleasant, if not favorable). Pricks deliver ever so often, hence their presence. But when projects transform into long term they make their own heritage. The law makes the real one. Takes good people in it for the long term. Hence, concern for those people. The real life equivalent is the bias towards being around people who take care of their realms within their own family. I remember the Keep it under your own roof talk. I believe in it. We all get to decide how much roof coverage we need. I like the multi-tiered approach to roof design. At the crest is coalescence at its finest. Her captaincy barely reveals her textured capacities - nary a glimpse of her ability to accomplish. I get to stroke her cheek and fill my empty spots with vintage her. 2Ps are prevailing over puppet, pauper, pirate, poet, pawn & a king party. Kleven takes care of one P and I get the other.

April 6, 2006

There is a boundary to men's passions when they act from feelings; but none when they are under the influence of imagination." ~~Edmund Burke

Coalescing with my crackerjack co-conspirator in love. Sometimes I spew information overload explaining information overload. And there's that "don't get out much, do ya?" syndrome of late. These are minor tweaks compared to enduring the business acumen of Nonna D' Slamdunk . Finding the glow entails clicking glasses on the couch and making weekends count, knowing how fleeting the nights are, how draining commerce can be. Me & Bonnie CC know freedom's more than nothing else to lose and united we're rounding the bend with HoE in '07 right down the stretch.

April 5, 2006

Take pleasure in your dreams; relish your principles and drape your purest feelings on the heart of a precious lover. ~~Giotto di Bondone

The things I want for her are just like the ands between the beats. They're not written in the lines and spaces but they're written here. She has the intelligence, the tender feelings and clear, unfearful visions to thrive in the now. Pointing out what's already been pointed out is like restating the obvious.........redux, all over again. I'm entranced by the cushions inside her that took her through all the pain and turbulence, retrofitting mine to resemble hers (can't keep relying on tears for the release). Had them yesterday morning following the peek inside someone who loves someone I love. Overwhelmed by tears started when I bought my Grandmom a bracelet with the mustard seed amulet and she cried reading the verse. The big guy release, available only in non-public, makes for longer lasting dorphs and make the most sensational interludes. Sweet, sweet somethings from the solar sweet seora who loves just being herself and is so loved because of that.

April 4, 2006

Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all. ~~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Already started yesterday with the thought of kids early exposure to things Heavy. Taking in more than you can handle as a kid prepares you for processing truth via a full spectrum of information overload. You just know when you were little, you couldn't handle the things that made you afraid and that influences somewhat the direction our choices go now. If we decide to not choose the option that takes us away from our imagined self (scared or otherwise), we are being true to our self and the outcome will be affected by hopefully better choices. It's the choices that kids make for satisfying their curiousity (good) that should make us deal with them as they see the world, not just by diversion.

April 3, 2006

The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children. ~~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Unconstrained emotions in public - a symptom or a breakthrough? The thing is, whistling is a sign of duress, a sign of elimination, a sign of passion........end of list. Common sense says keep your breakthrough crap there behind bathroom doors and that's today's lesson. Gwyneth said you can't accept you're not nuts if you're talking about being nuts if: the you who is saying that happens to be nuts. It's common to see people talking to themselves in public, which used to be a symptom until earpiece telephones became reality. Part of the taming includes reining in. My usual toggle switch from major to minor took several attempts, that's all. Watching the red head bass player space with the rhythm was infectious. More effort required on forestall the decline. So much respect for her common sense to dwell on the probabilities - but the surge felt great! Mr. Sun gets featured today. Another day to reflect on the influence of the CC. For tomorrow, the 'Net takes all that we've learned about the Earth and puts it in the hands of kids who don't yet know why Mommy________s. We tell them they have to wait until they're developed suffiently to handle the heavy messages about civilized living. Then we wonder why they proceed anyway. The elders in the tribe were ascribed with this feature because they were thought to be the only ones capable of doling out the wisdom.

March 31, 2006

I didn't want to work. It was as simple as that. I distrusted work, disliked it. I thought it was a very bad thing that the human race had unfortunately invented for itself. ~~Agatha Christie

Today we're doing word association: Lazy = worthless = assumption = dimensional = top honors = opportunistic = lovestruck = immortal = ineffable ultimate = NIRVANA . You can ruin Big Shot by worrying about falling out and you can ruin ber-dorph by dwelling on the down side of lazy. Self-preservation leads to love preservation with the help of who you love. It's what makes exceptions (acceptions ? ? ) for family behavior. It is life sustaining and is the best use of lazy time. On Time requires forestalling the decline and love preservation is the reward for taking care of that.


Gihugeous gratitude to the CC - even bigger affection to her.

March 30, 2006

History has to move in a certain direction, even if it has to be pushed that way by neurotics. ~~George Orwell

Before total convergence, she had demons to deal with that were out of context with mine at the same age AND then completely reversed each other in marriages. She has much more success than I in fighting demons, something so much more apparent in recent days (The 2Ps Era . . and the return to the dirt path). She almost succumbed again pre-nitenite. I'm getting the messages - the coyote and the mongrel fought different demons as pups and opposite ones in matrimony. She now fights disintegration of the clutter and he embraces the light as caretaker harlequin of the soul. The fight is background now with pure post-reformer performances as a preview of Paradiso In Terra '07. The sleep is so much more solidly centered, even after a film about massacre, maybe because I lost the stress of wondering if she's dozing off wanting unnecessarily (or maybe the dirt from the path is intensifying).Regardless, what a way to begin the revitilization.

Best of everything.

March 29, 2006

The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness. ~~Max Eastman

What makes us do what we do? We already know a good part of the answer but it never stops being amazing when it happens as you wished for it. Animal magnetism. Doin' dirt path stuff. Making the dreams that follow unspectacular. Making the sleep that endures revitalizing. The change in the formula followed the pledge to never stop finding her. Things do unhappen even when when know not why. To make them happen again, rinse and repeat again. Today's already a profusion of memory foam eye/hand/lips as performed in perfect harmony.

March 28, 2006

If we had a keen vision of all that is ordinary in human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow or the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which is the other side of silence. ~~George Eliot

It's not always about profundity. The stories in the jets last weekend included some indelible recollections of the drunken yoots period, drunk in the workplace. Accepting that 20s males w/ alcohol in a co-ed setting = testero-antics , and thus regrettable groping but ero-delicious

breaks from the business goin' on. Unthinkable now, farcical even in today's milieu (as in social setting of a mental patient). It's not been fun to get drunk in this century and much of the last one, not just from a practical point but from the bane of impairment. Drunk has been replaced by dorphed as the the euphoria of choice and she's as shameless as I, preferring 2Ps at the moment. I am immobilized by her brief touch, flummoxed by her passion and conked by her crescendos. She picked the right guy to squirrel away with.

March 27, 2006

Great talents are the most lovely and often the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off. ~~ Carl Jung

Hard to feel bad about anybody in love. If accented by that feeling, no matter when and with whom you find it, gotta feel good. Love, now, not that symbiotic crap w/benefits. To feel incomplete love prepares you for the jouney to find complete. One sign is where the anger takes you. It is natural to feel anger as it is to feel love. Success comes from what you do with the anger, action that speeds the take over by love. When love is incomplete, there was a decidedly hateful feeling when she enflamed my anger. When love is complete, the anger is from losing patience and knowing that makes you realize how vapid your disturbance has become. Neither wants to transfer the anger to an argument, so it gets turned back into the fairies and angels' dust laden zone of love. There the corroboration is the lingering worship of her performer from the reformer masterpiece from last week. O give me a home where the dirt path is esteemed.....Live and let live.

March 25, 2006

A memory is anything that happens and does not completely unhappen. The result is some trace which is left. The trace may last for a long time or it may last only for a short time. Information that comes into the brain leaves a trace in the altered behaviour of the nerve cells that form the memory surface ~~Edward de Bono

Finding the appreciation point happens before even thinking about what you're going to do. When you're engaged with that one person who really expects nothing and gets everything thru prayer, the appreciation is having someone like that in your life. But enough about that - I am so worthy, CC - thank you for honoring my weekend request at the end of the week before the weekend even clicked in yet. She was uncontained, carnivorus, a seismic harvest. The reptilian dirt path was trampled last night and I'm the dormer jutting from the performer from the reformer. A magic carpet ride a galaxy away from the innocent brush across the lips while removing a towel. Oh, that visceral arch..

March 24, 2006

There are some women who should barely be spoken to; they should only be caressed. ~~Edgar Degas

Effusively shaped gratitude this morning to the CC - her response is convincing me she is the designer of this pageant and she's perfectly equipped for the demands of designing. Her handiwork is not wasted on plasticine and her legacy lives within me on the dirt path, back to cellar when it all began. The calling for the discernability of my visions was fathered on that floor, an acuity encouraged by craptacular eyesight and an orientation definitely perineal. Is that easy love? or a portrait worthy of her signature? Whatever, it's all in the manner of my makeup of all happy - all the time. She wows me.

March 23, 2006

The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt. ~~Ayn Rand

Mandibular proximations. Possible break-throughs like reptillian lobes and alpha-male pheremones? It's somwhere within Broca's area that the reason for fascination with mandibular proximations is explained. I'm sure of this because of the convergence of anteriors. Using introspection sure beats metal stamping areas that can be cross-matched (easy to remember: stud-to-ring). Different pleasure centers respond differently per stimulator. It's better when you have interchangeable pleasure centers. You Can't Always Get Stimulator #1 - Relish the Stimulator You Got. Hands on in the workplace means such a different placement than it does in

G u p p.

March 22, 2006

A damsel with a dulcimer In a vision once I saw: It was an Abyssinian maid, And on her dulcimer she played, Singing of Mount Abora. Could I revive within me Her symphony and song, To such a deep delight 'twould win me, That with music loud and long, ~~Samuel Coleridge

The On Message lesson is that context counts as much as the content. That's why an executive effew doesn't lose the base who put it in the context of who was being effewed. Someone considered an AHole? Perfectly OK to effew them. But staying On Message sometimes reveals predictablity which can be formidably used against you. Crafting pleasing prose can be argued as a beacon into your centered point. Dreamy prose = stabilty sufficient to produce high level thinking. But Coleridge wrote stoned on opium and the words are remembered in the 21. So hereafter, my 3sum will reflect my level of convergence that day. That is the context. So today's context is shown HOW in the art above? Homage to Elvis - top is church - early gospel, center is iconic yoot, bottom is tribute to the age he succombed (reading glasses). And her Mount Abora swallowed my soul from the non-Strip view of her at the Rio, adjacent now but foldering so much more infusion. OBaby OBaby.

March 21, 2006

By the end, everybody had a label -- pig, liberal, radical, revolutionary ... If you had everything but a gun, you were a radical but not a revolutionary. ~~Jerry Rubin

It's a good sign when the tiramisu or gelato choice is the toughest decision of the morning. No one gets off that easily, but it's right to aspire to it. The cure for being labeled as a titist, as in Sharon Stone as a vaginist, is to remember that guys can get tits now, so maybe write something good so the titist becomes an author. Or a bridge builder. So another good thing about signs is that they get you to the good side of catagories which folder your references. The bad side of catagories is when you get placed in the wrong one by someone else of importance. So I'll live with T I T I S T as long as I live, but If I Try Real Hard, I just might get it lowered in my attribute chain. Listed way below:

Man who knew about people. Man who found his dream in the face of the most beautiful desert flower in the cornucopia.

March 20, 2006

Cyberspace: A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation. ~~William Gibson

There is certainly nothing which resembles the real thing....Baby. Spontaneous combustion. Goin' where the day/nite leads. Getting much help from the fading presence of Mad Magazine which I neglected to mention, promoted "What? Me Worry?". Letting nature prevail goes way back to some comment made by a Biblical scribe, but is so-o gratifying. Her pleasure moves are constrained by only those which she believes to be Not do's because she'd rather do something else, NOT because she believes it's something I don't want her to do. And verse chorus. If she's HALF as dorphed as I am today, she's a happy girl.

March 16, 2006

A book is like a man - clever and dull, brave and cowardly, beautiful and ugly. For every flowering thought there will be a page like a wet and mangy mongrel, and for every looping flight a tap on the wing and a reminder that wax cannot hold the feathers firm too near the sun. ~~John Steinbeck

Are virtual experiences just a cheap knock-off or programs for cerebral cortex? If you'd rather do a 360 degree pan w/ your monitor than to walk from the parking lot to the overlook on the north bank of the Grand Canyon, then answer cheap OR exercise? Maybe because visualization first came to me with that name from a sports psychologist proving you can picture yourself burning a backhand, you'll develop that shot (not true..). But it does provide answers to some of the "what ifs?" about how to handle situations that could happen any minute. It employs images of reality quality as cultivated over the years by creating incredible fantasies. So that makes my ultimate dream exude expectations of heretofore beauty, doesn't it? Except that putting this here is evidence I am already living my ultimate dream with her. She's captured my capacity for adoration, more than a chocolate lab pup and a blackberry milkshake, too. To be with her is inside the best scene from the best movie, all the time. To be one with her...to be there during her self-discovery...to be activated by prolonged touch...sheer adulation.

March 15, 2006

May you remember to say "I Love You" at least once a day to your spouse, your child, your parent; but not to your secretary, your nurse, your masseuse, your hairdresser or your tennis instructor. ~~Irish Prayer

Religion is a return, a repeat, a retreat to something, as revile is to vile again and regurgitate is to redo that gurguration thing. So what's a ligion? And how do you do it again if you're into religion? Another prominent concentric point these two lovers share is they we both experienced being surrounded with corporate-think . We both know the price it takes in our spiritual sanctuary (that's why so many corporate leaders find their sanctuary in church). We both know the importance of finding sanctuary in each other and we both routinely focus on that. It provides the fascination from the soul that we both nurture, embrace and celebrate. Like

Felicity's Thunderbolts

you always succeed in apportioning the energy spent on that fascination. That's by design from the architects out there in the CC. You never want to run out of energy for nurturing. The D's have it. Love unit.

March 14, 2006, baby

I wash my hands of those who imagine chattering to be knowledge, silence to be ignorance, and affection to be art. ~~Kahlil Gibran

The turning of the tide signals another deflection and so does the digital display of 2:47. Yes, the groundhog day aspect is unavoidable, but not so much a re-do, rather, another gift. When all those dues paying days are replaced by cornucopia, Coppola and copacetic contemplation, you want another and another... The emphasis on the glow in the homestead makes the other place very poop, where oscillation is more prominent than scintillation but that's OK. The kit bag's packed and Thy pouting breasts, like kettle-drums of brass beat everlasting loud alarms of joy, As bright as brass they are, and oh! as hard thanks, Fielding

Saying the truth no matter what choice of words picked to describe it is better than taking it for granite (or quartz, even...). Still picturing that grin from this morning...

March 13, 2006

Take away paradox from the thinker and you have a professor. ~~S�ren Kierkegaard

When the exact opposite is the ultimate truth (meaning the stated position is exactly wrong), it takes you by surprise. The example I had was erased by the fumes of disinfectant but it came after breathing deeply from the good news following a couple of wake-up calls. Those women born in the 30s have some resilience. And in the 50s, some gifted angels came to the planet with a fate to be loved effusively. OK night ventures, no HO and plenty of visions of Heaven on Earth Oh Seven. She's worrying less, thanks to the safe harbor of cherished nieces and signs she believes she can get worry-free. No

Melzi in her future.

March 10, 2006

Abstract Art: A product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered. ~~Albert Camus

Steamy Uma got the first nod for the deliciousness that followed, but it's really steamy her. My desire appears every single day in sometimes different get ups, could it be the letting go that's improving her reception? The tangible benefactor for March lion winds is being unable to deny the force of the desire and that only happens when we both lock onto the passion. My expectations of the sundown part of our tour are stratospheric and lately, surpassed by her presence and connection. My appreciation envelops it all, something I must ensure she's getting in overflowing roomfuls. That appreciation includes CC's influences, especially the tip on the root chakra - oh, such attention...

March 9, 2006

Now everything changed. My childhood world was breaking apart around me. My parents eyed me with a certain embarrassment. My sisters had become strangers to me. A disenchantment falsified and blunted my usual feelings and joys: the garden lacked fragrance, the woods held no attraction for me, the world stood around me like a clearance sale of last year's secondhand goods, insipid, all its charm gone. Books were so much paper, music a grating noise. That is the way leaves fall around a tree in autumn, a tree unaware of the rain running down its sides, of the sun or the frost, and of life gradually retreating inward. The tree does not die. It waits. ~~Hermann Hesse

Where do the people live who're wookin pour muv in all the wrong places? Smithereens, where you get smashed to? Down the street? One thing about love that probably looks like making a big deal about basic features, just happens to be being thrilled that she's so good as a leader taking on team efforts and she's just like me about preferring the one on one with the one you idolize. My past take on one-on-oners was they stink at synchronizing working towards the same goal, but both she and I share that experience of implementation AND she leads by example, a divine art. But when the candles burn long, she and I are locked in the magical mystery tour we once just heard about and now mainstream it. The fascination is uninterrupted and ever more beguiling. We confess our devotion to charming each other and being charmed. And we are still just in dress rehearsal for Heaven on Earth Oh Seven.

March 8, 2006

It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls." ~~Epicurus

Keeping a close watch on the back. Illusions of bargaining with the devil focus me on any sign of spellbound. Devils sometimes have the Margaret Hamilton theme song and wounded animals sometimes eat their young. No effort, though - 24/7,365 no call necessary. Got it covered PeezNcees. She detects some enthusiasm - great sign. Think I'll lay off the fire-belly references, following last night's false labor experience (no breaking of water, tho'). Sympathy pains possibly?

Probably just food combo du jour. Can't stop thinking about her bed ride manner...

March 7, 2006

The house of my body has spoken often as you rebuild me like blocks, and promise to come visit when I'm finally adjusted on safe land, and am livable, joist to joist with storm windows and screens ... ~~Anne Sexton

Caring for the big stuff always checks your security gates. There are places where living in fear is the demise of weak hearts (not weak as opposed to cajones). We are what we cannot discard, not the pizza last eaten. Today's Ejaculata came from a half container of Campbell's Golden Butternut Squash soup, add asparagus chunks saute�d in evoo along with tomato chunks and a palm full of cut basil and fresh pepper. Hinney-kicker. Back to the big stuff - starting down a new path where the steps get shorter and slower but a security check is needed frequently from now on. Truth is our weapon and our flavoring de lifetime. Her bedside manner should be DVD'd as should her bed ride manner. Loving almost decadent, but, oh so divine.

March 6, 2006

We are all cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out. ~~Ray Bradbury

The tune is yet to be written but the symphony plays within, all the time. The single guitar string opens the opus with a familiar melody even when it's the first time it's ever been played. She represents all that is pure and easy to please. The beat with many ands begins the rhythmic undercurrent, like the lifepulse that feeds us together. The chorus is the hook where the deliberate exchange of love messages repeats in an endless loop of confessions to dulcify the soul. There is no crescendo, just a series of high notes that just happen during the life portion where the two of us connect and stay there. Her sweet is one of so many cards, but it keeps me in the game. A great song too dear to stay unwritten.

March 3, 2006

They call it PMS because MadCow Disease was already taken~~Anon

Staying out of the murky depths probably gave birth to Take the High Road. Use only your best moves approaching the finish line may be the basis for Resist the Temptation to Fix logic. The convergence of the two occurs somewhere between yesterday's O only makes you want another one S O O N ! and play it safe with filtered distractions until the last picture show. I vote for the latter but then, they're my words. And I believe taking the high road to the finish line is the best path - just not the high road bundled with some self-initiated project with lotsa deliverables. Instead, become Retention-proof and trust that the real reward only happens when your soliloquy hits that high note. Acting. Judi-like delivery.

March 2, 2006

Why should man expect his prayer for mercy to be heard by What is above him when he shows no mercy to what is under him? ~~Pierre Troubetzkoy

Keeping the place where you can say anything or do anything is our mission. That's because it's a place where the love and respect ensures there'll never be a true meltdown, so you just know the comment or request is from the one whose love for you is without edges. The other place is so tainted just like the unthinkable just outside the gate. Acknowledging that it all exists does not let it in here where space is reserved for the clicking of the glasses, the goof ball antics and the affection so sweet, it caresses opposed to stresses. I get days free from public, this is where she strips away the public.

March First MMVI

War is, at first, the hope that one will be better off; next, the expectation that the other fellow will be worse off; then, the satisfaction that he isn't any better off; and, finally, the surprise at everyone's being worse off." ~~Karl Kraus

You and you alone rebooted my manaPee Sunday. Everyday I search for indicators as to my functionality and since Sunday, I'm Robert Kincaid more than ever. Love offered with such passion is like being turned upside down when your ears are fewked. The adjustment is life providing. Gazes into your eyes when you are in that zone are Rio incarnations, framing the feelings with a shelf life that says eternal. My searches never cross paths with doubt but loving like Sunday's is the Rosemary's, replete with maytag. Couldn't handle any finer.

February 28, 2006

Where there is great love, there are always wishes. ~~Willa Cather

Bigger = better. The grander the scale, the more significant the response becomes........to a point. If you're around chocolate all day, the aroma of heated garlic is catalytic. So if big becomes craptacular because of omnipresence, maybe small, intricate slices = roast garlic. I am mired in bigger = worse. Probably an overachiever's oasis. No, this is not a residue from Hy Tarnower's unit or even the extravaganza that followed. Maybe it's just a reminder that actualization also features PILT forever.

February 27, 2006

The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears. ~~American Indian Proverb, Minquass

Life over the rainbow gets better and better. Said clearly and loud - Jets can't compete with her hands. Chakra WIDE open, ma'am. Pleasure center reports 10+ on the Pickedher Scale. Celebrity phobia unintended here, but just had a date with an angel and she let reveal her identity as the world's peerless lover. No moments out there on the gangplank with fading background, just pure pleasure served up with mutual endorphin release - stupendous. Ain't what ya do or how you do it, it's what comes with it and how that makes me feel. Oh, give me a home....

February 26, 2006

Slippery bunch, angels, hiding their nasty little sins behind curtsies and compliments, Bibles and badges. ~~Jean Harris

Shana Alexander was writing about the Scarsdale Diet doc's oversized unit when she was doing Point/Counterpoint on 60 Minures while writing Very Much a Lady. Annette Bening's arm swing during the foreplay from the consumation scene vastly proportioned the length, leaving the girth to your imagination. What point here? One day's wish to the CC is about to be actualized and no sublimation is necessary as portrayed in the above scene. Kinda makes the inspiration here root chakra-centric. More tomorrow if it has an opening effect.

February 25, 2006

Passing the time, everything fine. Passing the time, wine and time rhyme. Passing the time. ~~Cream

Vigilante justice is the trompe l'oeil of post-911 vindication. There's no time for candy l'oeil unless the other stuff's taken care of. Today marks the anniversary of __________ and Phillip Morris is still running Don't Smoke ads on TV. Is there a connection? Probably, but this message stays here based on lack of inspiration today. The gelato made us smile and for lovers, it's all gravy.

February 25, 2006

Memory is corrupted and ruined by a crowd of "memories". If I am going to have a true memory, there are a thousand things that must first be forgotten. Memory is not fully itself when it reaches only into the past. A memory that is not alive to the present does not "remember" the here and now, does not "remember" its true identity, is not memory at all. He who remembers nothing but facts and past events, and is never brought back into the present, is a victim of amnesia. ~~Thomas Merton

Memory like a sponge leaves me with rinse water floating with the best moments since V-J Day. It makes your jaw drop when the words to a grade school song come out verbatim but what's going through your mind when some fugly from history gets thrown in? The sponge is not like a magnet, picking up only cherished metal and leaving the trash lie. So the sweet words coming from a beat-up radio only are worthy when they're singling out the beauty to ponder and jump start the romance-o-meter. This assumes the words reflect what's going on in the flesh and not just flowery sentiments. Living in love is the greatest security possible, giving bounty everyday knowing tomorrow is a chance to do it one better. No NLRB necessary in the zone, babe.

February 23, 2006

Reverie is not a mind vacuum. It is rather the gift of an hour which knows the plenitude of the soul. ~~Gaston Bachelard

I drove all night just to be with you just pitches Chryslers - I drove three days just to spend a lifetime with you. There's never been a second when I looked back wondering what if I stayed. What I do think about repeatedly is what if I hadn't come to you or what if you wouldn't have me? The road ended when I found you, replaced by a flying carpet of wild flowers, hovering over the desert with you draped around me. The flight's booked thru eternity and you & I have the only tickets. There's always a place where the light awakens the day then throughout the day until you return once more for the feature presentation. You coulda done better...but not much.

February 23, 2006

Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road. ~~John Henry Jowett

Mary Ball Washington gave birth 334 years ago to the guy who made it possible for me to be here today. The General survived the war then conquered the power grabbers to make it possible to pursue happiness as a birthright. Happy fingers are building these words and happy hearts are sustaining life here, knowing loving eyes have our backs covered. She's content to answer questions about what do I do well with "He's good at sealing zip-top bags". She leads like George did, by example and getting high grade results. My love and adoration of her, savor the reality that I'm the one who's treated by her brilliance - her understanding of what works and the ways to make that happen. We are void of all rage despite its presence everywhere. And she takes just like a little girl.

February 21, 2006

I'm grateful for the opportunity to live on this beautiful and astonishing planet Earth. In the morning, I wake up with a sense of gratitude. ~~Earl Nightingale

Funny thing happened on the way to today - I spent three days shoulder deep in the tomorrows. Our best friend 'Cuzz rebounded and the atmosphere inside the club house was acoustically revealing. The CC was tuned in and Judi's choice of dressing under the covers had both of our heads affirming. Coasting seems to be the answer of choice today. May be a mode used more often from here.

February 18, 2006

While I know that the beautiful, the spiritual and the sublime are suspect today, I have begun to stop resisting the constant urge to deny that beauty has a valid right to exist in contemporary art. ~~Ian Hornak

Why limit beauty to art? Sri Chimoy says" In ugliness there is beauty, in imperfection there is beauty, in everything that exists in God�s universe there is beauty" (my Dad's joke that paraphrased this said "everything is made from God, therefor everything has a purpose" to which a soldier stationed in the South Pacific replied "except tits on a nun, balls on a priest and these goddamn flies"). I like not justifying ugly, as in car chases, shoot 'em ups, and all the other scum filth fugly crap that oozes freely in the world. I like spending as much time surrounded by the beauty that also abounds and is so much more nurturing. I was headed for Canada last night so I'm getting the wish out next to keep me in the homeland when the melatonin's been secreted after twilight.

February 17, 2006

Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. ~~Kurt Vonnegut

The master cautions that sequencing the elements to end up in a realm where romance endures, involves pretending. Just like the effect from medicines that control serotonins, you need to feel the presence of love first for romance to flourish. Lust confuses, caring distorts, craving obsesses, but love controls when it arrives and romance is the sustainer. So pretending here is not feigning love nor acting romantic. It is clearing the mind from melting ice caps, human bomb wearers, evaporating values and a thousand other realities, just to thrill from the sound of her sipping coffee next to me. If maturity is just concern for others, it evolved from all those occasions along the way where boners and pounding in the chest signalled there's something to this romance thing. My anthem for lovers is almost ready for breakout.

February 16, 2006

Girl: I think my mom's a virgin. ~~4 train

Things that made little or no sense before have new meaning now. Like being so much a person I used to laugh at back then. I'm funny, but the laughable part is the distain within me for the anti-borgeoise crap, formerly endearing. The Torino melodramas are just frightful. But this one I like: Two babes are talking at a hot dog stand. One asked the other if the veggie dogs were as icky as regular hot dogs and the other said, "I don't know but I'd rather eat an icky stamen from a plant than an icky anus from a pig". Kinda sums up enculturation in the MMs for me. All eyes are on the Prezday weekend...love you long time.

February 15, 2006

Everyone has a talent. What is rare is the courage to nurture it in solitude and to follow the talent to the dark places where it leads." ~~Erica Jong

Distinguishing input has been proven to be maybe how our filters do it when stress confronts us. So maybe the help I've been receiving is helping me with using that system to distinguish mo' better. This could be a stressful week but rather it's been transcendent. The need for physical exertion is still present but the declined essential parts need CC affirmations PLUS PPCC interventions. She rode Cupid's wings to the best V'Day dinner last night I can recall ever having. Good things happen to good people from good people. I'm ripe for some enhanced studio-time, nook time moments today starting here: Never knitted, so my take on the endorphins it can produce surmises it parallels the feeling of well being found here. So it's not the processes that make up the actions (photoshop, quotes, stream-of-consciousness words) but the feeling of well being it hosts. Back in the hole yesterday appeased by Mel singing My Funny Valentine and after the shower, she lavished fineness on me and soothed me to sleep. What a day of love!

February 13, 2006

Pain and foolishness lead to great bliss and complete knowledge, for Eternal Wisdom created nothing under the sun in vain." ~~Kahlil Gibran

Going sub-ground level reminds me of all the time spent in the cellar with an earthen floor. My connection there with the soil carpet may have involuntarily fed me the guidance (Dad's Bali film) that is now bordering on High definition level reception. Sleeping on the ground outside in a tent was thrilling on the lawn, not so much in a bivouac - character building, maybe, but definitely now in BD catagory. Pleasing her is locked into the top spot. Sometimes using the upper torso and traveling with legs is the right pleasure. And I AM #1, pic.

February 12, 2006

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." ~~Henry Ward Beecher

The columns on the page group the meaning within like a line of thumbnails, begging to be picked like a caged dog in the pound pleading at you for freedom. The hesitation eminates from the same filter in mind's ionizer - BD (been done...there, that). Staying receptive to the mind of the universe demands avoidance of distractions, or at least the ability to pass on acting on the alluring familiarity when BDs beckon. Unlike the dirt path of encounters with strange, jeweled petals line the moonbeams guiding you to new awareness, revitalizing those pleasure centers and making it another day of bounty. It has been a long road to here and there's a long road ahead.

February 9, 2006

An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather. ~~Washington Irving

Signs of a territory losing traction:
You start a list with getting old in mind, then go no further since the current territory's yielding a bumper crop.
Factoring in a stop at the studio as well as the nook with the pull of the outdoors is going to be trial and error. Yesterday's was the briefest of the year and today may be even more succinct. The imperative remains to be the prime dorph bong for the remaining days of split. The days touching her throughout are only months away, where it used to be years of weekends and nights only. Sustained keepin' it strong should make the rolling out of the Home Forever mat an extravaganza. Sort of a racetrack playa getting ready for the fireworks to begin.

February 8, 2006

When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good advice, ignore them both. ~~Al Franken

Take Nothing But Pictures - Leave Nothing but Footprints - Kill Nothing But Time

Is tuning in with the CC a warning to watch for OC? Nah! Just being ritualistic in the golden years is possible even if you're out of touch with anyone. It's connecting with the CC that hones common sense to be more common. Unlike simple mindedness that clings and filters out CC, common sense collects it and uses it for intensifying the hoeds of romance. Centered people become more revered when the trash strewn paths of the edges get ponderous and beauty, nothing but beauty, gets priority and CC- assisted filtering allows engagement with reality without dwelling on the fouled crap. The ruling class has been pushing that for centuries except their simple-mindedness ignored the non-ruling class contributions. Loving her trancends all class, instead lingers where civility reigns.

February 7, 2006

God is the great mysterious motivator of what we call nature, and it has often been said by philosophers, that nature is the will of God. And I prefer to say that nature is the only body of God that we shall ever see. ~~Frank Lloyd Wright

A summerlin creation, ah, the ecstasy. No offense, woods of Penn, but the nights need to involved with the now, too. Composite illusions are evidence of returns on world peace fantasies and the deliverables are on track. Thanks, CC for the big one yesterday - chondromalacia sure beats those other possibilities. Keeping the dorphed period uncompressed helped, too. How big was my contribution to the stress? If measurable, why was my response delayed? The opening is allowing so much more message to arrive intact. The ambience here in the studio is inspiring as is the nook where the words are captured (OK, they're the same place..). Her performances are still peaking. Bless the child in us.

February 6, 2006

The 'Net is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it." ~~William Gibson

Split the seam as in pass patern, not needle and thread. Even though my cerebral home theater is filled with endorphins, the must-do's are trying to blot out the sensations of yesterday's bubbly rendezvous at the jets and benefits in the boudoir. But fixin' up's can't compete, but they can be satisfied. And the putting it all out there, leaving nothing on the plate from yesterday's uber-affection, demands some contribution here. So this is the seam-splitter: what ever happened to you can't legislate morality? If crying "offended" is all that needs happen down the road to move all this to a coffee can, a la Anne Frank, we could face the gulags for even thoughts not expressed. Even then I'd spend everyday pleasing her, including this merge with the CC. We are both from acculturated civility which might be the reason the iMuse Submits are being answered. We ask for goods things and then do what we think will help, not dynamite the desired cleared path. The minor ones (and a few majors) have proven the fit (like matched skins..). Now affirming my appreciation to the CC on our behalf is another must-do.

February 5, 2006

Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you. ~~Hopi Indian Proverb

Peace behind the want ads comes when warmth, cleansing and the acceptance of today come together. The riddle of don't worry be happy can't do a thumbsucker no harm but first demands belief in the spirit not the idea of the spirit. The fool uses his last dollar to hire a watchdog when a nurse may provide more substance towards progress and be the better value. I am on the plains where moccasined hunters worshiped mother earth where final days were revered. I feel that reverance and hold it close to the sacred things of today that need repeating. She brings my solitude the reason to shine a dazzling purpose surfeit divine. She makes me most hootchie-cootchie.

February 3, 2006

We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart. ~~H. L. Mencken

Phenomenal exchange over wine in the candle light. Divine intervention of the most soothing kind. We could be the poster couple for Talk To - Never Talk At always truly facilitated by spiritual guidance from the Moms or their seconds. The truth always gets passed along, we just gotta be there when it appears. As long as one of us gets it, one of the endless conversations will infuse it. I just reminded her that the other place doesn't appreciate what she brings to them, now I must find better ways to show my appreciation. Totally enamored with the amorous outcome of the weekend.

February 2, 2006

Destiny came down to an island, centuries ago, and summoned three of the inhabitants before him. �What would you do,� asked Destiny, �if I told you that tomorrow this island will be completely inundated by an immense tidal wave?'� The first man, who was a cynic, said, �Why, I would eat, drink, carouse and make love all night long!� The second man, who was a mystic, said, �I would go to the sacred grove with my loved ones and make sacrifices to the gods and pray without ceasing.� And the third man, who loved reason, thought for a while, confused and troubled, and said, �Why, I would assemble our wisest men and begin at once to study how to live under water.� � I, too, never forgot that story. When our cause seems doomed and the future lost, when despair becomes unbearable and the heart is on the edge of breaking, let men summon hope and honor and high resolve in yet one more stubborn affirmation: Come, let us assemble our wisest men and begin at once to think, to study, to try to learn � even to learn, if we must, how to live under water.� ~~Leo Rosten

Did the dream drill this morning with one difference: Got to think about sibs baffler about grabbed from the coffin and it came to me that the Genisys project on Christian Street was THE precursor to my destiny here and thus repeated indefatigably as if programmed for certainty (I get the message..). When we're dreaming, we're rejuvenating, so no need to spend another moment thinking about WHY the dream (already out there in the CC). I'll circulate the wish to keep it at end point.

February 1, 2006

As memory may be a paradise from which we cannot be driven, it may also be a hell from which we cannot escape. ~~John Lancaster Spalding

Staying the course means another day in a private railroad car traveling a scenic route. Her angst requires Mondello alto riffs diametrically opposed to bein' dissed at the shop. Hopefully the minds of medicine men will lead to quality repair. Like Norm's crepe myrtle yesterday. But the view from the window is capped with all blue skies and a promise of speedo days around the corner. Borrowed time has that survivor ring to it but it perfectly describes unyielding contentment where visions of tomorrow are too promising to even try to depict. Why bother - the view is riveting and Februus was the god of purification.

January 31, 2006